Jul 28, 2012 23:12
sorry sorry i don't mean to get any P!atD (or whatever the acronym is?) fans excited, I'm just on the other end of a mild panic attack and can't think of anything clever
almost locked myself out of the house i'm sitting
and by 'almost' i mean i was literally locked out for ten of the longest minutes of my life, wearing nothing but a bathing suit
(there's a hot tub outside) but like, no shoes, no keys, no phone to call for help (who would I call?) and two terrier types yipping at my heels before i remembered (thank god) that there's a spare key, which I then had to walk barefoot across gravel to get to, and then THAT KEY REFUSED TO WORK for a good TEN MORE MINUTES and just fjdlkjgslfk
sorry. hoo. let's not do that again. In other news, LJ seems to not be sending me any comment notifications? Is that happening to anyone else?
*sticks spare key in bra*
certifiably insane yesyesyes,
bitch bitch bitch,
do i really need a real life tag?