I went last minute to the midnight showing of Snow White and the Huntsman with writing club--over all i've had better nights, but not anything I'm going to hold a grudge about.
The movie...
...was problematic. As one of writing club said, "If I was fourteen I would have loved it, no question." Visually? Stunning. Content? ...eh.
The problem (I think) was that it had the feel of a Nano (a 50k word novel hastily written in the month of November)--basically, throw in ALL THE THINGS. And no one stopped to say, "Um, guys? Is this necessary? No. Let's take that out, it doesn't hurt the story at all. See? Much better."
The smatterings of Christianity were also a bit of a surprise--a recitation of the lord's prayer and a mention of heaven, which could have worked if you really wanted it to, but only if you'd had it built into other aspects of the story: churches, crosses, pulpits, religious officials at things like weddings and crowning ceremonies. But you didn't, so when these moments did happen it just felt alienating and wrong.
Also they meet Aslan I MEAN A GIANT WHITE DEER who is referred to with an audible capital 'H' in His pronoun. ...what.
Mostly it felt like a mash up of whole lot of other movies we've already seen (Narnia, Lotr, Potc even). Also Trigger Warning for musical instrument abuse (THAT WAS THOROUGHLY UNNECESSARY), and Chris Hemsworth...baby, I'm not sure why you were fake!Scottish, but I don't think it entirely worked for you.
Ultimately, I wanted to like this movie a lot more than I actually did. :/
aaaand back to writing i go.