maybe you know hockey

May 27, 2012 09:13

Has everyone seen THIS NEW SUITS PROMO??

Come to meeeeeeee, lawyer boyfrieeeeeeendssss

Guh, seriously though, is there a fic where Harvey wakes up their first morning after and Mike is just eating cereal in bed with him while going over briefs, and Harvey thinks, "Dear god what did I do," which somehow doesn't reach the rest of him in time to stop him turning his face against Mike's hip and muttering something that sounds almost favorable.

And Mike looks down surprised but kind of fond, all teasing, "Who'd a thunk it, Harvey Specter not a morning person."

And Harvey opens his mouth and just rests his teeth against Mike's skin, not a bite yet but it could be, because Harvey Specter is a goddamn morning person when he chooses to be, thank you very much. He can feel the shiver run through Mike's body with a feral sort of detachment, a predator that already knows his breakfast isn't going anywhere.

"I, uh, looked for a Stanley Cup to eat it out of," Mike stammers, showing Harvey the plain white bowl he nicked from the kitchen.

Harvey drags himself up on his elbows, taste of Mike's skin still in his mouth. "You didn't think they'd let me keep the Cup, did you," he deadpans, exactly like he would at the office and maybe this will work, him and Mike, maybe, because Mike's still looking at him like he hung the stars, and that's not new. "I slept with the team captain, not the entire hockey team."

Mike's big blue eyes go wide and then he tips his head back in a laugh and yeah, this hasn't changed, not really, except now Harvey can tug the bowl from Mike's hands and set it on the bedside table and kiss Mike while the smile's still on his lips, and if later he hands the briefs to Lewis and they're a little wrinkled, well, so be it.

/sorry i'm not awake yet kldfald

look i just rec things, vidrec, random! random! random!, suits, drabble, suitsfic

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