i are now gradumacated

May 07, 2012 10:24

SORRY I'M SO BEHIND ON COMMENTS TO THE SUITS!FIC (and other places but ~shameless plug~) I'll get those answered asap

Yesterday morning we had to drive into town super freaking early to get our name cards and donate-to-your-college-now-that-you're-alumni guilt trip and free breakfast(tm)--and by super freaking early I mean we got there around...ten. By a weird twist of fate, I wound up standing in line about four people away from my hopeless crush, TomHardy!guy. He didn't see me, I didn't shout out his name and tackle him to the ground, and I was willing to leave it at that.

Thennnn when I was leaving the building--

Him: Heyyyy!
Me: [AAA] *responds to offered high five (can I just say goddamn this guy has a high five on him. My arm is still all tingly)*

So cue Shakespeare final chatter babble and probably all my hopeless feels shining through my eyeballs, but he has to go and I have free breakfast to smuggle to my mother in the van, who says as soon as I open the door, "Is that the guy???"

Auuugh yes, and she's horrible at boy advice and then the friends i was standing with in line for the ceremony later in the day found out about hopeless crush, and whatever WHATEVER etc., I managed to talk myself into asking for his number. I was going to use the super cool line of, "Hey, I feel like we were only starting to know each other, maybe we could hang out sometime..." yeah.

Long story you didn't want to hear about short, I didn't get the chance to talk to him before the ceremony, during the ceremony we were too busy being bored out of our minds, and afterwards I waited for him like a loser (while trying not to look like a loser) and this happened:

Me: Hey, congrats!
Him: Thanks! *veers into the crowd*

Soooo yup, here endeth the non-existent tale of me and tomhardyguy-o.

IN LESS PATHETIC NEWS, wait, no, actually still pretty pathetic, the guy mispronounced my name even though I'd spelled it out for him phonetically, and I rolled my eyes before I realized I was on camera (which was also being live broadcast on local cable, as well as a giant flatscreen in the arena) and then I forgot to walk up the ramp. BUT AT LEAST ME HAT STAYED ON, AND I DIDNAE TRIP. :D

...idk. It's hard for me to feel like this is an accomplishment? Not sure why. I did hard work, I pulled it off, the whole last semester with 19 credits is almost done (just the geol final today), and then...what. I guess it feels like they're congratulating me on losing the last shreds of being a kid :/

also just realized this might be the last time i use the college tag >8/

do i really need a real life tag?, college tag: wtf

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