Alrighty! On top of a boringass week here on klu-central, filled with increasingly bizarre posts (when there were posts at all!) going out of town.
Not quite out of state, though Juneau might as well be. The family band is performing for the second year running at the Juneau Folk Fest--hoo baby--at the prized stage spot of noonish on a Sunday. When the sparse but dedicated few who attend will be hungover as fuck from two days of folking it up bigstyle, and the performers won't be much better off.
Part of why I've been killing myself with essays this week is so I can just gooooo and have funnnn. Last year they had hard cider on tap. And you know me and hard cider. We be bros. (As a side-note, it's difficult when you start drinking at 2pm. By the time evening rolls around you're basically sober and exhausted from the aforementioned drinking, and then you have to sit in a dark room where you CAN'T drink, and if the band does nothing but instrumental medleys I just put my head down and doze. Me and instrumentals are not bros.)
(As another side note, I was dead sober last year when the guy up on stage, complaining about his amp, said directly into the microphone, "I just have a small unit." We? Laughed. The rest of the audience? Did not.)
Also also there's the Bourbon Brunch, which is free booze not limited to bourbon, at brunch time, and there's corn dogs, and silly costumes. 8D
But you guys now I like to leave you with reclists while I'm away, so here goes:
The New Victories of Old Brooklyn by
gyzym: Steve/Bucky. I don't care who you otp, read this. It's the story of two rough around the edges boys finding their way back to each other, if they ever really left, and it's gorgeous.
high on a stage be placed to the view by
ariafic: Geoffrey/Darren, Slings & Arrows. Oh god you guys, were you with me when I went through that Paul Gross phase and devoured Due South and tripped into S&A? GOOD TIMES. I had no idea there was a fandom for this series, and it's itty bitty, but it EXISTS. I also didn't know I could ship Geoffrey Tenant/Darren Nicols but OH MY GOD, CAN SEE NOTHING ELSE
Stringplay by
prettyarbitrary: Sherlock/John. oh. fffffuck. porn. PORN. Never have I meant porn as much as I do for this fic. And I'm sure a huge chunk of that is my own personal music!kink, but hnnnnhghgskfjafdlk. PORN.
Not Just Friendship (Romance Too) by
earthquakedream: Steve/Danny. In which Steve has a boyfriend who is not Danny. This was so cute and guh and perfect, and I would have read a million words of Danny quietly pining while projecting PERFECTLY FINE YAY at his partner.
Chaos War by
astolat: Loki/Thor, just in case anyone missed this mastery. Asgard is under siege, and it's looking like Loki is the only one who can save them. (Also, he collars Thor, in case you need more incentive ;3)
Countdown by
mollyamory: Sam/Dean. In which Sam helps Dean get over his insomnia oh yes he does.
This Might Just Hurt a Little by
gunsandbutter: (link is to ao3, don't worry about it being broken) Arthur/Eames. Arthur likes to be subby in the bedroom, but he's found exactly the wrong man to dominate him. Enter l'Eames. If you're worried about it getting dark, don't be--this fic was amazing and good and just yes. Not dark. And completely in character.
Tale of X by
thehoyden: charles/erik. oh my god this fic. THIS FIC. It a past reincarnation au (though it never comes right out and says it) set in medieval Japan. AMAZING.
...I just realized I've recced one from every pairing I COULD DO MORE BUT DAMN I LIKE THE COINKYDINK. Anyway, enjoy bbs! Leaving tomorrow morning, back Sunday night! :D