
Mar 27, 2012 12:10

I fell on the ice in the parking lot--fuck. Only landed on my left knee but landed pretty hard. Didn't tear my jeans but somehow managed to scrape the skin off my kneecap. Owowowowow...

The, uh, good news is--I kind of wrote fic last night? In a hazy daze, on the same word doc as my short story essay. It's a little less than 2k but it needs some work. And it's Arthur/Eames! Realized I've never actually written inception fic, or if I have I forgot about it. OH, right, well, People Around You Smiling Out Loud wasn't so much Arthur/Eames as it was JGL/T-Hard. Anyway.


ugh & damn, alaska: we're cool, do i really need a real life tag?, inception, writing: i does it

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