Oahu picks of pics, awwwyiss

Mar 21, 2012 15:10

I have whittled this down from an unmanageable number to an unreasonable number and then once more into a number that I hope won't bore you to tears. If you want to see the whoooole album, that's here.


It was our first breakfast stop--everyone was so nice and sweet and helpful, customers and cashiers alike. And the tv at one point had a pic of Danny talking to Chin about the cocopuffs, but I couldn't get my camera out fast enough. SO GOOD OMG

I meant to take a pic before I'd eaten half of it, but, uh, you will see this is a reoccuring theme. Look, it's got gooey chocolatey goodness on the inside, and some sort of almost salty sugary goodness on the top, so when you bite into them both it's like lkfdjaldkdkas. Basically.

The Dole Pineapple Plantation Maze was misleading. Quite obviously not made out of pineapple plants. -___- HOWEVER, I want H5O to find a dead body in here ASAP. (Another reoccurring theme: HOW COULD H5O FIND A BODY HERE HMMMM)

This was a pond at the plantation--check out these motherfucking koi. You'd think nobody ever fed them a dead body. I mean what.

Check out this BAMF canonball tree. Now imagine someone getting canonballed to death. :DDD

Waimea Falls. Ngl, I was a bit underwhelmed. But that is because waterfalls and me have a complicated history (okay not that complicated, I have a hard time finding the romance in water falling over rocks. :/ ) I'm told that usually you can swim under the falls, which would have been cool, but the area had recently flooded so the water was unfit for swimming? Because of the dead bodies.

This is Tiki's Bar and Grill, where the spring break thing was going down--


This is a freaking shark:

In the WILD. Like, we were wandering the beach up past the homeless section (um. yeah.) and luckily it's too rocky to actually go out into the water, because RIGHT FREAKING THERE. SHARK.

This is me taking an artsy picture by the Aloha Tower (have we had an ep there, yet? We should.)

Original Pancake House, yo

Remember when Stan was being blackmailed and someone hijacked Rachel's car and Danny went APESHIT on the housing commissioner? THAT WAS HERE. CHECK IT:

Best. Freaking. Pancakes. I have ever. had. We went there twice, second time for Dutch Apple Pancakes and homygod. Possibly the best thing I have ever put in my mouth.

This is Kualoa Valley Ranch. Look familiar?

Specifically this hill:

How about now?

AWWWWWWWWWWWW YISS. Lots of things do lots of filming in the ranch, LIKE

The footprints used to be six foot deep but the cows kept falling into them at night, so. Filled 'em in a little.

Also they were in the middle of FILMING SOMETHING AS WE DROVE PAST, and I started LOSING MY SHIT because LOOK

THAT GUY'S SHIRT SAYS HAWAII FIVE-OH, and I was alskdjfalskrfjaldskfjflskdf-ing all over the place--

Turns out it's a music video for Nicki Minaj. ...Obviously, judging by the costumes, it is going to be super culturally sensitive. Yup.

Also. There are goats in this tree:

Also also, this was in the gift shop:

I can't imagine why no one has bought it yet. Who doesn't want a tiny, roughed-up, DDK in their hands?


It's the government building, and I swear to god I recognize those steps. Like, I think Danny pulled Steve a crucial three steps away from fuck all as an excuse to touch him ON THOSE STEPS.



So this is Leonard's:

The malasada place. And bbs, I don't know exactly what this means because my brain keeps short-circuiting when I think about it, but. When Steve bitched at Danny for getting crumbs everywhere? That wasn't crumbs. From experience, I can tell you that Danny was covered in sugar. Probably all. Day. Take that plotbunny and run with it, I beg you.

Again, sorry, malasadas are actually round and fluffy and sometimes filled with coconut pudding, and I got so caught up in eating them that I was mostly through with the last one before I took a picture. Ooooops.

Sea Life Center. It looks like I photoshopped that dolphin there. Like, this should be a meme with flying upside-down dolphins.

Polynesian Cultural Center. Where men literally grow on trees.

IT'S KAMEKONA'S SHAVE ICE STAND. (Seriously, guys, leslieo54 made this trip with her list of suggestions. Couldn't have done it without you, bb). Even though it isn't dressed up.

They've also filmed here, right? It's the oldest hotel in Oahu, theeeee something surfer, can't remember, but it looked hella familiar.

APPARENTLY THIS IS ALSO A PLACE WHERE THEY FILMED FIVE-OH AND GODZILLA AND JURASIC PARK. (I realize that you could literally point at a random rock by the side of the road and tell me Danno stood on it and I will not only believe you without question, I will photograph the shit out of it.)

This is a sleepy monk seal at Hanauma Bay--and yes, it really is sleeping, not pining for the fjords. They put up Do Not Cross tape so people won't bug it.

Anyhoo, THE END. It's so much funnnn watching H5O and keymashing because I HAVE BEEN THERE, AND THERE, AND THERE.

How y'all doing, beebs? How was your week? I MISSED YOU, BELIEVE IT OR NOT *TACKLES*

picspam, seriously i fucking love you, do i really need a real life tag?, hawaii five oh my god

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