
Mar 09, 2012 20:13

Leeeeaving tomorrow! LSKFJDK I REFUSE TO THINK ABOUT HOMEWORK WHILE I'M GONE, just fun in the sun and fruity drinks and leis and beaches and twitching at every blond pompador because what if Scotty Caan? And and and YEAH, oh my god, and also eeeeeee!

So I like to leave you guys with a reclist whenever I have to hiatus--and I'm bringing my laptop but I don't expect to be on it much? Anyhoo--


Pavlov's Bell 'verse by whiskyrunner: In which catboy!Arthur and werewolf!Eames fall in love and make mutant babies. It is SO LESS CRACK than you think it possibly could be, and it's WONDERFUL. Start with the linked fic and just follow it through, but when you run out go to the fictag for sequels (you will want sequels).


Get Outta the Kitchen by electricalgwen: LOL Oh this was funny and cute and hilarifying. In which Bobby and Cas bond over the shit the brothers put them through, including sex pollen (niether Bobby nor Cas is affected, no worries)

Mistakes, They're Memories Made by glovered: Sam has his wall and he's not scratching, but he doesn't know how much soulless!him might have spilled the beans about his feelings for Dean. Great use of an omc, just enough angst to cute the schmoop, I loved it.

When We Kiss Our Scars Align by matchsticks: The epic love story of Dean Smith and Sam Wesson. In which they were never Winchesters--normally something that would throw me off the scent, but oh man, Dean with his neurotic diet fads and Sam with his dorky love of tech support, lkfsdld AMAZING

Cool part one and part two by checkthemargins: PORN. Porn porn porn, of the bottom!Sammy variety, HNNNGH


Arms and the Man by sam_storyteller: I know everyone's probably read it already, but JUST IN CASE. His best friend keeps cockblocking him, his relationship guru is a computer, and he might be gay. The future is very complicated.

Homefront by sam_storyteller: Steve Rogers is a capable leader, a kind and cheerful man, a good friend, a strong role model, and a loyal soldier. He's also teetering on the edge of suicide. Not as dark as it sounds, I promise it ends well.


In the Backseat by sirona_gs: Ho. Ly. Shit. This fic was so hot I literally couldn't recover enough to leave a comment that made any amount of sense. BDSM, subspace, hnnnnghdjfkgkjf


Cinematic Brilliance bymatchsticks: Chris is okay with making a sex tape, but Zach is hell bent on making ~*~erotic arthouse cinema~*~*.  Awww yiss


Breaker by esteefee: Steve is thinking thinky thoughts, and Danny drags him out of it. In other news, my heart grew ten sizes.


The Language of Love--or Penises by shadecat: Bradley and Colin's penises decide to take matters into their own... hands?
I do not...actually know what just happened to my brain.


Transport by thisprettywren: In which Sherlock goes to a certain kind of club to quiet his mind, and who should find him there but John? More complex and awesome than I'm making it sound, give it a try even if you think it might not be your cup of tea.

Molly Hooper/Greg Lestrade

An Avalanche of Detour Signs by gyzym: If there is a single person on my flist who hasn't read this what are you actually doing. GO GOGO GOGOGO

That should hold you for a while, I hope! Have fun on the internets without me, bbs! :DD

sherlock & watson play cops & robbers, pinto, ficrecs, inception, hawaii five oh my god, avengers, bradders&col, love is all you need, seriously i fucking love you, supernatural

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