don't forget me i beg as i touch your face in the rain which is also on fire

Mar 06, 2012 21:25


Shakespeare syllabus wasn't a typo when it said 5 papers, each 1750 words, due by April 26th.

That's 30 pages, basically a thesis, on top of all the other papers due in other classes I'm taking. Including one for Chaucer that is 12 pages, due around the same time.

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck.

In non-traumatic, crawl-into-a-corner-and-cry kind of news, I wrote a dumb little Avengers ficlet for earthquakedream this morning! Re-posting for your enjoyment:

“I’m not sure we should be doing this.”

Tony takes a deep breath and counts to ten, then does a little mental coding when that doesn’t quite calm him down. “Steve, we talked about this. If we don’t steal it now, Loki will find himself with basically armfuls of millions of dollars he can use to fund a) killer robots, b) deadly giant squid research, and c) deadly giant squid robots.”

Steve still looks miserable in his all-black get-up, which hugs his curves in all the right places (because Tony designed it, oh yes he did). He’s ruining the mood Tony could get into with his unhappy face, fingers fidgeting on the tool belt slung low around his hips.

“It just-” he starts, whispering so they aren’t overheard by any passing night guards. “I feel like there should be another way. A legal way. I don’t-” His mouth twists, not anything close to a smile.

“Hey,” Tony says, a little surprised when his hand comes up to touch Steve’s neck, thumb skimming along the edge of Steve’s jaw. He’s not quite used to all the touching he’s allowed to do, tries not to overwhelm Steve with his newfound grabby urges. “Steve, hey, listen to me. If we get caught, SHIELD has great spin control. The headlines aren’t going to read ‘Captain America Helps Himself to American History,’ they’ll read, ‘Tony Stark Drunkenly Breaks Into National Archives, Is Iron Man Suit In The Hands Of A Fratboy?’”

Steve smiles, and it’s a little crooked but Tony will take what he can get. “That’s kind of a long headline,” Steve points out, hands skimming down Tony’s sides to rest at his hips. Then the frown is back. “I don’t want you getting in trouble either.”

“If we do this thing in the next minute and a half,” Tony says, “I promise neither of us will get caught.”

Steve sighs, then catches Tony’s mouth in a quick but fortifying kiss. “Alright,” he says, “get it over with. Let’s go steal the Declaration of Independence.”

avengers, ugh & damn, drabble, writing: i does it, college tag: wtf

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