I really need a Miranda icon. Hmm.
Anyhoo, in the continuing adventures of My Life Being Stranger Than Fiction, one of the last visits we made in Wisconsin before hopping on a plane back to AK was with two of mom's college-era friends, whom we will call Sally and Laura.
The person I really want to tell you about is Laura, because she did have a great impact on my life--she's the woman who married my parents. She got certified specifically for the event, performed the ceremony, presto chango my parents are married. Laura was not then, but is now, an ex-psychic.
Well, I guess technically she wasn't even a psychic when she married my parents, but she was an aspiring one. She told us all about it over lunch, how she had always had these sort of baby premonitions--like knowing what someone had eaten for lunch yesterday or whatever, something small--and she had friends who were psychics (apparently) who encouraged her to embrace her gift. She said she was kind of startled by how well she was able to forsee things, and people she did readings for recommended her to their friends and families and she was able to make a living off being a psychic for almost 20 years.
Then, she and her daughter were hit by a car (no "didn't see that coming" jokes please, come on, guys, she's a really sweet woman and didn't deserve to get hit by a car) while they were crossing the street--at a crosswalk, with the light. She suffered severe head trauma and lost her ability to speak for a while. Then when she could, she could only use what she called "college words"--she couldn't say, "Sure," but she could say, "Undoubtably." Because of this, the doctors released her much sooner than they should have.
Laura is doing really well. She's come such a long way it's medically astonishing. I wouldn't have even known she'd been in an accident, and it's only been a year and a half. She can walk/talk/do almost everything she used to...except her psychic premonitions are gone.
Her psychic friends assure her that it will come back, but it will take time. Until then, she's got to find another job. And I know, okay, I know it all sounds ridiculous and I don't personally believe in psychics, but I also know that Laura would never willfully manipulate someone. She only did what she did because she made people feel better, and because her premonitions consistently came true. She believes in her abilities. Listen, I don't know how to explain it other than she's a truly good-hearted person, and even though I'm not a believer if she gave me advice I would take it. *hands*
(She actually did pull me aside at the end of lunch and while she was giving me a hug said, "If you ever think 'Oh shit, what the fuck am I gonna do?' I have a guest bedroom and you're welcome to stay." ...Which. What.)
Lol I love her, guys, I don't even know what to tell you. It's fun thinking there's still magic in the world, screwing with our lifechoices. And yes, I watch The Mentalist, though I don't think she does--she loves Grimm, though, for reasons that are beyond me.
AAAAAANYWAY, the whole long rambly point of this entry is to say--she's coming to Alaska! Tonight actually, though she's staying with other friends of hers in town (the sudden trip is because of a funeral, not someone we know). We are probably definitely going to spend more time with her this weekend. I. Am. Excite.