buddy up

Dec 06, 2011 16:58

UGH, can today be over? I'm in this weird foggy WEIRD frame of mind and I don't like it, and I'm trying to get all my homework done so I can go out tonight and go Christmas shopping, because I have literally no gifts for anyone, and yeah. Today. Over. Chop chop.

...except I have too much shit to do. Fuck.

I just want to read fic. And write fic. And sleep. And catch up on TV. And catch up on YOU, guys, I miss you, what's going on?? *clings* (...answer with the understanding that i might not get a chance to answer for a while... *hangs head* ...*headdesk*)

Oh well. In the meantime, here:

That is either the tiniest grater in the whole damn world, or the biggest motherfuckin' cup of cocoa.

I am unable to put under a cut because reasons.

love is all you need, bitch bitch bitch, seriously i fucking love you

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