Firstly, you should all hop over here and listen to
pennyplainknits pod aware thing, because she talks about me and the first time I met
flightjacket! Yes, I'm narcissistic, but it also brings up some really important things about podfic and blanket permission, which you should all do. *stern finger*
Secondly, the
T-Hard/JGL fic is up in case you missed it! I posted it late yesterday but still! Yesterday! Like I said I would! :DD
Thirdly, there's a SPN fan in my Medieval Lit class. If you imagined me pulling a Dean-head-whip-around, your instincts are not bad. I noticed her amulet and then asked after class if she was a fan, but ugh, guys, she's a Destiel shipper. You might ask how I know--because it isn't a thing you just blurt out in a first conversation, is it?--but bbs, I know. The First Thing she said after she said she's a fan of the show was how upset she is that they killed off Cas (my response: "They'll bring him back, I'm not even worried.") and how much she misses Cas and what a wonderful person/angel he is and how if she had to pair Dean with a girl, she would pick Bela.
...and she thinks Sam should wind up with Sarah. That girl who was in one episode a million years ago.
And guys, I thought that Kripke got to keep his ending, but she was adamant that he had to change it when Sera took over. She told me the reason they dropped Katie Cassidy as Ruby was because they couldn't afford her and that Ruby was originally a love interest for Dean, and she was supposed to be good but they changed her character when she wanted more money from them than they had to give her.
Also, this girl is boycotting the show until they bring Cas back.
.........we have nothing more to discuss, her and I. Guys, I love Cas, but just. How do you not watch this show. Real question, how do you watch six season of this show and give it up because Cas might not come back. What the hell were you watching it for before Cas showed up? She said she's a Dean girl "For the win"--SO WATCH FOR DEAN, jesus christ.
Sorry. I just have a lot of feelings. And a lot of headache, I have...yeah. Lots of that.
I know people were deeply upset that they "killed off Cas" but guys, guuuuuuys, trust the writers okay, trust the show, trust Misha's fan appeal, trust something.