Craftsmas tiiiiime is heeeeere

Oct 16, 2011 18:20

You know what I love best about the holidays? Crafts fairs. Not to sound like an advert or anything, but they're one of the best places to find unique/awesome/perfect gifts for you and the whole family! ...Okay, now not to sound like an advert.

Plus we're Alaska, so we get the kitchy touristy stuff--caribou fur mittens, earings made with porcupine quills, and soap in the shape of moose nuggets, to name a few. (I got the earings; the woman said she just drives up and down the highway until she finds roadkill porcupines, and collects them for quills. I KNOW.)

I also got an owl necklace to go with my owlhat and somehow managed to talk the lady selling it to put it on a completely different chain with like, gold and brown ribbons and I luff it.

Also, in unrelated news, got a manicure Saturday morning because the BFF's mom was doing a half-off sale for the month of October, and now my nails are bright red with gold sparkles. I AM IRON NAILS.

alkflks sorry this post is so random and perky. Writing club was talking about charmed lives the other day and I needed to take a serious step back and go, "Self, what the fuck are you getting down for? So you aren't working for a guy who might randomly leave you hundreds of thousands of dollars in his will, SO WHAT? You are going to NASHCON. You have PRETTY, FUCKING IRON-MAN-COLORED NAILS. You got compliments from 6 different ladies on your hair at the craft fair today and you woke up this morning thinking it looked like shit! You are fiiiiiiiiiiiiine."

So come on. Even if you don't feel like sharing here, I bet you can think of at least five things about your life which are amazeballs. ♥

Hey if all else fails, you can always be happy for Zachary Quinto coming out! Oh, ZQ, getting us one step closer from reality to porn. :DD

owl hat needs a tag, zqmf, love is all you need, alaska: we're cool, do i really need a real life tag?

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