Oct 13, 2011 10:43

- I slept til 10. It was AWESOME.

- tombolguidofficially got us tickets to NASHCON, which I'm not quite awake enough to process yet BUT WHEN I DO, there will be flailing. Are we human? Or are we fangirls?

- Oh my god, so I finally caught up with reading my flist and the comments and the pingbacks and YOU GUYS! aksdfl *smooshes you close* Thank you to every single one of you who rec'd You've Got Hawaii, I would buy you all shave ice if I a) had any money, b) could mail you shave ice.

- HI to new friends! What you'll find here is, uh, not H5O all hours of the day, so prepare for a little fandom bicycling? Supernatural is near and dearest to my heart, but I get my grubby paws on pretty much everything. ;3

- Guys I think I'm going to get a tumblr. ...Wow, feels like I just told you I'm going to try crack cocaine. BUT. I feel like I've gotten over my initial compulsive need to scroll through Every Single Post and I regularly check 4 or 5 tumblrs already--just makes sense. ALSO THERE ARE THINGS LIKE THIS, and I want a place to keep them forever. o.o

- *rolls around on the internet* I love everyone in this bar!

conventional wisdom, love is all you need, seriously i fucking love you

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