quid pro quo yo

Sep 30, 2011 15:19


Slowly working my way through responding to comments because I, um, like to keep them for a while? ksldflk I don't know how to explain it. I love you guys. <33

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming: a picture of Patrick J Adams (Mike in Suits) asleep with Gabriel Macht (Harvey)'s baby.


I don't even understand how this photo came to be. That isn't a set. That's obviously SOMEONE'S CABIN IN THE WOODS. I just. I can't. My heart.

I really really do not need to write another RPS fic for a couple that no one else slashes, you guys don't understand the sheer amount of RESEARCH involved. But oh, I would read the hell out of this fic, about how Patrick just confuzzles the hell out of Gabriel, but so do the slash fans, and Gabriel just doesn't understand how people on the internet see all this subtext he just can't, that's just how he looks at Patrick, there isn't any underlying--anything.

So then one day Gabriel has to bring his baby (see? reseach. what's the baby's name, what's Gabriel's marital status, how does that work into the fic, blah blah blah) over to Patrick's Cabin In The Woods(TM) because his babysitter canceled, but they need to run lines and he apologizes the instant Patrick opens his door, he's so sorry, but--and Patrick takes everything in stride, man. He's a fucking baby ninja. Soon he's got the little guy scribbling doddles on some 100% recycled paper with crayons made out of biodegradable resin, and he lets Gabriel's kid sit in his lap while they go over some of Harvey's lines that have nothing to do with Mike, and Gabriel feels like this shouldn't be so comfortable but it is, it's wonderful, Gabriel's heart feels too full.

When they're done Gabriel insists on making Patrick some tea--because it's the least he can do, and something even Patrick can't make complicated with his eco-madness (he is wrong)--and by the time he's figured out the damn contraption the tea is closer to warm than hot, but no less heartfelt. (He can't even nuke it a little because Patrick doesn't own a microwave, HOW.) Anyway, he's paying very close attention to Not Spilling Anything as he comes back in the room, so he doesn't notice right away.

They're asleep. Patrick is conked out like he just slumped lower and lower on the couch as the baby's weight dragged him down, little toddler cheek smushed against Patrick's collarbone, head tucked under Patrick's chin, whispy blond hair brushing Patrick's nose. Gabriel has felt jealous of his kid before--no bills, no pressure, not a care in the world--but it's a weird sort of pang now, when all Gabriel wants to do is join them under that warm-looking blanket and forget everything for a while.

Patrick's camera is sitting at the edge of the coffee table, and Gabriel took exactly one class in college so he kows how to make it work. The shutter makes a soft flutter of clicks, just enough to make Patrick stir and blink those crazy-blue eyes up at him as he sleep-mumbles, "What're you doin'?"

And Gabriel doesn't really have an answer for that, fuck. He just. Wanted to keep the moment. Forever. He feels like an idiot, Patrick's camera fragile in his hands, and then Patrick flips the soft, bright colored covers back and says, "C'mon, big guy. Nap time."

Can't argue with nap time logic. Maybe the fans are onto something after all.

alkdkjf BUT I AM NOT WRITING IT. REALLY. Really really, I have a Steve/Danny fic to finish, which I'm going to go do right now. Yup.

i'm sorry what is this fuckwittery?, suits, drabble, writing: i does it

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