Sep 21, 2011 16:24

Other people do it better, as a total disclaimer, I don't mean to be stealing any ideas. :D

P.s. obvious spoilers for 2x01!

Chin is lookin' fiiiiiiiiiiiine. Ugh, somehow I keep forgetting how gorgeous this cast is and then SLDKJFdlf


Even Danny feels it. "Every time he said something about Danny's ties, what he actually meant, was, I love you."

Is there a Princess Bride AU yet or what, beebs?

Yeeeeah, I'mma just leave this heeeeere. Oh, Spike. I knew they were going to kill you off the instant you decided to be helpful. R.I.P. BABY ;____________;

Danny does not appreciate Chin's unwillingness to Go Down With This Ship. ~.^

So then, like. I don't even know. Steve escapes after a severe case of police brutality (and I mean BRUTALITY TOWARDS POLICE, THEY ARE JUST DOING THEIR JOBS, MAN, CAN'T YOU VULCAN NERVE PINCH THEM INSTEAD OR SOMETHING?) and to stop the bleeding, he grabs newspapers that have been tumbleweeding around in a backalley. Steve, honey, how are you not dead of infection? Jesus.

It's completely unfair how attractive he looks while bleeding out in a public bathroom. I WANT THE BEARD TO STAY FOR ALL TIME.

I like Max's priorities, man. He will heal Steve's wound with the power of Steve's own shirtlessness! It's a blessed miracle.

Baby, don't ever stop. I WAS SO GLAD TO SEE HIM ON THE CREDITS THING, I thought I must have missed the part where Jenna joined the permanent cast, buuuuuuuuut I guess they'd rather make the woman the bad guy again.

By the way, I like this shirt on him. I think I saw a little happy smile when Danny called him Kermit. HE HAS NEVER BEEN COOL ENOUGH FOR NICKNAMES, GUYS, HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND THAT IT WASN'T MEANT IN A PARTICULARLY AFFECTIONATE WAY. So now in my head Danny has to keep calling him kermit so Max doesn't catch on, and it's really adorable, and yeah. :>

Genuine question: is it physically impossible to hide Alex's chest tattoos with anything other than orange paint? Because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by suggesting they don't lnow how to do their job. Do they think we won't look at his nipples?

Instant head canon: Max's roommate is his boyfriend. NO ONE CAN TELL ME DIFFERENT. Also I suspect this show to be a dick about this and go, "Ohhh you want more gay on the show? MINOR CHARACTERS *poof*" But seriously, SERIOUSLY, I already love this invisible roommate simply for the fact that he's the reason Steve wears plaid.


This cap, okay. Danny is so mad. So mad. And hurt and pissed off and heartbroken, because he thinks he's never going to see Steve on this side of a jail cell ever again, and just just just adjfalkdfa

Watch this part again and keep your eyes on Danny absofuckinglutely losing his shit in the background:

Eeeeee PLAID! :DDD

Max ILU. <333

SFM. Apparently, this car is called a VW Thing. A THING. It looks like a lego car!

Alright this next bit is just going to be a string of pics, because I love it so hard my chest hurts, and if I had any giffing abilities at all I would gif every damn second and watch it for the rest of my life. AND IT'S SO PRETTY, LOOK AT ALL THE COLORS.

So this was me, through all of that:

Skimming really lightly through everything else: the cutest wink of all time:

That is the face of a hardcore backstabber right there.

Danny's ass:

Hee hee hee hee hee...I just like that cap. JE NE REGRETTE REIN.


Cop guy, I like the way you think.

Okay. Okay, how many of you know what a Deus Ex Machina is? All three of you can skip this paragraph and give yourselves an English Major High Five. A Deus Ex Machine is roughly translated to mean "The God Machine"--basically, in ancient Greek and Roman literature, if the writer wrote his characters into a situation FROM WHICH THERE IS NO ESCAPE, none whatsoever, not a chance in hell are the good guys coming out of this alive/on-top, BAM. God Machine. One or more Gods would descend from on high and provide everything necessary for a happy ending and wealth and true love etc etc.

So from now, every time the tool box makes an appearance, I'mma point at that bitch on the screen and yell DEUS BOX MACHINA, and y'all will know what I'm talking about.

Because Deus Box Machina has pulled this shit before. And it will continue to pull this shit. Everytime the writers are feeling a little bit at a loss for a plot device, they turn to the DBM and pull shit like a conveniently placed spy camera inside a clock no one has conveniently moved for years but somehow still took it out and deleted the sound in a crucial spot and then PUT IT BACK.

It's like the writers have never taken a single English class, my soooooooul.... *clutches*

Look, even Kono is not impressed with this shit.

Luckily Jenna is there to be cute and adorable and flirty and totally not evil.

But still Danny done got the blues.

The Deus Box Machina blues.

Spike was so upset about it he slit his own throat to get away from this writing.

And they all lived happily ever after!



epirant, picspam, steve 'em danno!, writing: i does it, hawaii five oh my god, hahaha i think i'm funny

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