my head hurts and my feet stink and i don't love jesus, lordy lordy lordy

Sep 19, 2011 19:01

Weeeell. My head hurts. I'll leave you to guess on the validity of the other two.

This is my belated reminder to put your squee under a cut, pleeeeeeeeeease, because my timezone is the latest fucking timezone and everything is about me, basically. ;p

ow ow ow my brain. I'm not entirely convinced this isn't a stress headache for everything that went haywire end of last season (pick any show), or if it's a stress headache because I have a paper due Wednesday I haven't started, or if it's just one of those chemical imbalance things brought on by no sleep and a dislike for caffeine.

But hey look! SING OFF! Come to me, my pretty pretty acapella groups let me hold you to my basoomas while you sing to me in eight part harmony, I DON'T NEED OVARIES ANYWAY. o_________________o

eta: Oh my god, first song and I already have goosebumps. THIS SHOW WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME MORE THAN ANY OTHER SHOW. EXCEPT SPN. oh jesus fuck if Supernatural ever did a musical episode...

help me obi-flist kenobi, ugh & damn, singunf

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