Oh my old college icon. I have not missed thee.

Aug 30, 2011 09:28

Day two of classes: interesting so far, probably because I haven't yet had a class this morning, but. There you go. With the ride situation I'm getting to school an hour and a half before any of my classes actually start, which is...awesome. And early. I hate these GERs. There's a reason I put them off for too long.

U.S. History is being taught by an infant. Well, she's probably in her thirties, but she keeps laughing and saying "I'm so old! Ahahaha--" Shut uuuup. She also wants us to read approximately a million things for each class and oh hey, pop quizes all around if it seems like we're not doing the work. I'm so glad we get to read Frederick Douglas again. He was such a joy the first and second times in high school, and once more sophomore year in college.

Medieval Lit & Women is going to be fun, though. The teacher's tough but he knows his shit and he's aware that some things are ridiculous, so I'll forgive him for making me reread Margery Kempe in the middle English, oe joye.

Today is Astrology day. Or Astronomy. Whichever one is an actual science. Shut up shut up, I never claimed to be an intelligent person. Also my ability to give a shit at 7:30 in the morning is really really low, and I've just had to take an online survey for the class in which the teacher has tried to trick us into realizing that Science Matters. Of course science matters. But science does not matter to ME.

The room looks interesting, though. It's in a brand new science building (funded by the oil giants) and it's called the Planetarium & Visualization Theater. It's ~round. It's pretty tall. I haven't gone in yet because there's still an hour before class, but oooooooo. aaaaaaah. speeeecial.

Blugh. I realize this reads quite like an actual journalish entry and there's nothing at all to entertain you in it. Enjoy this gif of Tom Hardy dressed as a woman:

(I have nooooooo context for this at all)

gif me moar, t-hard no, college tag: wtf, sleep deprived r us

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