actually hiding for the sake of my sanity kthnx

Aug 23, 2011 21:40

Am I reading this right on my flist?? Alex O and Scotty Caan have birthdays ONE DAY APART? YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANSSSS

CO-PARTAY. ALL THE CO-PARTAY A CO-PARTY CAN CO. I'm thinking giant tub of jello shots, I'm thinnking CLAM BAKE, I'm thinking BONFIRE. I'm thinking impromptu football match ignoring all the too-pretty bikini-clad bimbos to just wrestle in the sand with Dot nipping at their heels and GOD DAMN IT WHY DO I KEEP HALFASS PLOT DRABBLING i just want all my brain babies to magically appear fully written is that too much to ask? *headdesk*

In other news, I think I figured out LJ's weird spacing issue: write whatever the hell you want in Rich Text, but before you post, click the the HTML tab. Check the spacing. THEN post.

In other other news my parents grungy ex-radio friends need to stop appearing at the house insisting that "The Television Stations" stole key facts about their life when they made Northern Exposure.

But no, seriously, help me plot out Scott and Alex's Epic Co-Birthday Beach Party even though I'm never going to write it because I need shit to do, guys, and my brain is too pingy right now for actual ficcing.

ETA: No, nevermind, Mom's home and we're going to watch Miranda. Because nothing says pingy thoughts like a 6'1" British lady WHO IS ALSO AWESOME.

certifiably insane yesyesyes, help me obi-flist kenobi, alaska: we're cool, alex o'laksjfda, scott caan: bad life choices

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