on the plus side, tequila is now considered a food item.

Jul 02, 2011 11:04


2) I am tiiiiiiiired.

3) I hear tell the Leverage season premier is all Baked Alaska--aka fluffy frozen cake covered in amazeballs fail sauce and set on FIRE--or maybe that's cherries jubilee. ANYHOO, IT'S DOWNLOADING, AND I CAN'T WAIT. *gleefists*

4) I brought back so much STUFF.

Including four bottles of alcohol, not pictured here: two bottles of Los Osuna tequila, one bottle mango liqueur, and one bottle agave fire water. Ariba! (also, if you want to get technical about it, the parents bought he booze, and I suspect they will drink the majority of it.

5) Plan to see X-Men tomorrow at 11:30 AM because I am bowling tomorrow night for a friend's birthday and tonight the grandma comes over so she can see for herself that we are not shot up or horribly diseased. ...We're all fine, come to think of it. No one even got montezuma's revenge. And, you know, dispite the number of special police on the streets holding machine guns "protecting the sea turtle eggs," we never felt like we were in any particular danger. I mean, we did stick pretty close to the bubble, it's true, but that's because the bubble had the safe ice for our girly mixed drinks. (Oh my god, Chi Chis, Dad swears they are nothing like "real" chi chis at home, but alkdlf they should be.

6) One more picture, and then I'm going to go bury myself in fic for as long as the parents allow me to ignore the dishwasher and vacuuming the house. \O/

LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND! *hugs the wet, 50 degrees F beautiful beautiful ground*

down in mexico, picspam, do i really need a real life tag?, sleep deprived r us

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