Things are better today, not that anything has changed to make it better, just in that way that things get better when they aren't quite so in your face. So thank you, all you lovely darlings, for putting up with my emo frustration--your offers of hugs and common sense really helped, even though I felt (still feel) kind of dickish for laying all that on you like I'm the one who needs sympathy, here. I might only have the one week left with the BFF before I'm out of town (then out of state then out of the country) and she could be gone for six months by the time I get back. Depending on when she can fly out, if they accept her. Anyway, I'm going to try to make it a good week.
*sigh* So. Other things.
The other reason I haven't been around much is because I've been working for my grandma--she pays very well, but thinks the internet exists only to hack into her personal files, so she doesn't have it. (The work is so utterly mindless that internet would both greatly improve my enjoyment of the task and not deminish my work accomplishment rates, but oh well.)
Thinking about our upcoming trip, I'm debating whether or not to bring my laptop to Mazatlan. The, uh, wow, resort we're staying in is, well, a resort, and very fancy and probably my laptop wouldn't get stolen? But if it did I would cry a lot. A lot a lot.
The downside of this is NOT HAVING A LAPTOP. And not having a laptop for the handful of days we're in DC for my cousin's wedding before Mexico, on top of the 8 days we're in Mazatlan. Withdrawal symptoms, they be high.
auuuuuugh, conundrum.
p.s. the other other reason is this delicously delightful fic
Indecorous by
basingstroke, Sherlock/John/Mary, hnnnnngh so much fun and hot and funny and SMART and sensitive and lskdf, yeah. YEAH.