if i make it through may

May 18, 2011 22:44

Augggggh. Is finale week OVER YET. I'm not sure I can take much more of this. Just caught up with Castle, and oh my god, if I'd watched it the same night as H5O they would have found little bits of my brain splattered all over the walls.

As it is, I'm just back to the splitting headache I had on Monday night, thanks ~world.

I'm not going to talk about everything, because if I do I'll wind up stabbing my own eyes out with pencils, but. Did all the writers of every TV show ever go to some convention and sit at long fancy candle-lit tables and talk about HOW AWESOME IT WOULD BE TO TAKE THE MENTOR AND MAKE THEM EVIL?

Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh Montgomery, nooooooooooooooo.

BUT. As always, good came from this clusterfuck. Ryan and Esposito, be more in love with each other. Angry wallsex in the back alley behind a cop bar? FUCK YES. BRING IT. They were so, so...laksdflasd these actors, if they aren't sleeping with each other they should be, I hope they are getting laid so much all over the place because they deserve it, oh my god, the fighting, and they're both so backstabbed by this but Esposito is losing his shit and Ryan keeps screaming it because he has to figure this out, he has to hear himself say it and hear his partner say it and Esposito can't handle it, turns away and Ryan grabs him, and that just makes Esposito SNAP. And he socks Ryan in the jaw and Ryan's fucking fiesty, man, grabs him shoves him even though Esposito's bigger and stronger and pins him, grabs his face and growls and Ryan just says "GO AHEAD, GO AHEAD," man, hit me, do what you gotta--and then they make out.

Or they should make out. Just saying. NOW would have been EXCELLENT. They're broken, they're fucked up, and Esposito just wants him to shut up, just wants him to stop saying these things that make too much sense so he shuts him up, crashes his lips down on his partner's and Ryan rocks back like it's a hit but comes back for more like it's a hit too. And there are tears on Ryan's face because he's Irish and he's hurting but when Esposito tries to back off Ryan grabs his jaw and keeps him there, because this makes sense. Of all the crazy shit that has just rained down on them, this makes sense.

Okay, now I need to go to bed. But hopefully that image will bring sweet dreams.

castle, epirant, dreams be dreams, if you were gay

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