(no subject)

May 06, 2011 22:53

I seem destined to post vids that will only break your heart. Tissues ready bbs (but they'll only be good tears, promise).

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And I'm sorry, I'M SO SORRY, I'M STILL BEHIND ON SPN. I meant to catch up today so I could watch tonight's epi and instead Nano ate my soul and I'm still not done yet, and then I came downstairs from making dinner and Dad was watching SPN and I thought Tralala, a rerun, I wonder which one it--OH MY GOD, NOT A RERUN, AAAAAAAAA and ran out of the room with my hands over my eyes.

But unghfrgl, I've been craving spnfic lately (of the wincest flavor)--do you have any recs for me, bbs?

Here are a couple I read recently:

Free and Clear by merryish  (you will notice a tend here in authors, I just devoured everythng): Godddd nostalgia!fic. Back when Cas was NONEXISTENT and Sam pulled Dean from the pit with his own two hands. I love this, I love the way Dean is and Sam is skin-hungry and everything is bright like eating toast in the morning sunlight over the kitchen sink. BOYS.

Surrender Dorothy by merryish : It's a twistah! It's a twistah! askdfjlaskd I DON'T THINK I HAVE EVER READ THIS BEFORE AS AN IDEA, AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHY. Um, quick note, those of you affected by the recent catastrophes in the South might find this triggery, I don't actually know. The closest I've been to a twister is the Wizard of Oz.

North of Wednesday by merryish : This fic makes me want to write a hundred thousand words of post Mystery Spot fic. I don't think I've read a coda for this before where the author points out that Dean gets it, he might not know how bad Sam had it, but he knows what it's like to get a brother back you thought was dead.

So, fics bbs? Don't worry about thinking I've read them already, just hit me with your favorites. <3333

OH BEFORE I FORGET, the lovely reena_jenkins  has podficed And Here We Go Again (We Know the Start, We Know the End) and you should all run and download it and gush over her and then come back and bring me shiny things. Pls. *blows kisses*

look i just rec things, help me obi-flist kenobi, vidrec, the epic love story of sam&dean, audiofics, ficrecs, supernatural

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