For reasons that don't need exploring at this juncture, my family and I have been watching Criminal Minds reruns on TV the last couple of nights *mumblegrumblehiatus* and they kept playing a season commercial with just a two second click flash of someone who looked a lot like Alex O. But I thought, No, I thought, Self, you cannot keep seeing Alex everywhere you look, it's not healthy. And so I let it go.
Last night,
tombolguid dropped a little present in my inbox. GUESS WHAT.
*GLEEFISTS* So I have now watched and capped the Criminal Minds episode with Alex O so you don't have to. Guys, I know next to nothing about CM. The number of epis I have watched (out of sheer boredom) number less than ten, and still somehow I've managed to see the fire-starter at college one twice. *hands* ANYWAY, so. This post is not about CM. Hell, it's not even about the story. This spam is %100 staring at Alex O wearing nerd glasses.
*breaks out the popcorn*
Yeah, work it. The first ten minutes were spent showing us the morning ruitine of a serial killer. But let's be honest, here, it's Alex O. There's just no way he's going to creep me out. So the buh-DUN music while he goes about doing things like...
brushing his teeth, and...
cutting his sandwhich (I SEE WHAT THAT KNIFE IS SYMBOLIZING THAR), and...
walking around in long underwear while dangling half a sandwhich from his mouth--these are not things that are going to make me think "*LE GASP* SERIAL KILLERS ARE JUST! LIKE! US!" It's going to make me think, "Alex OOOOOOOOOOOOhh damn. O____O"
[Insert pun about Alex O-face right here.]
But okay, right, I'm not entirely shallow, he is murdering women, which I am (for the record) against. But he is so very socially awkward and so unasuming and THOSE GLASSES and sweetly OCD that right up until he's stabbitying you with a knife? HE'S JUST WEE BABY ALEX O, I CAN'T GET BEHIND THIS. Don't get me wrong, Alex's acting was fantastic as per usual, but the point of the whole episode was to make you wibble on the line between Aw Poor Baby! and Eurgh, Serial Killer. Which was a line Alex was able to cha-cha on down.
And then he walks out of his bathroom all rumpled and untucked and I just want to smoosh him, okay? *smoosh*
But then he's back to killing people. -_-
Honestly, bbs, I don't want to get into the plot. It was not all sparkles and rainbows (surprise! Criminal Minds: Now with rainbow ducklings and baby unicorns! Ha, no.) SO INSTEAD, I WILL MAKE UP MY OWN PLOT FROM HERE ON OUT.
He head tilted in the snow! Wearing the coat that's Made To Nuzzle(TM)!
He then took the littlest blind boy to the fair!
Where they hopped on a ferris wheel!
And held hands!
And snuggled!
And Alex totally fell asleep it was very sad but only because he missed the fireworks not for any other reason yeah. T_____________T
So yeah. You've just been O'Loughlin-ed.
P to the S: if you're sincerely desperate to watch the "real" ending to this episode, I might know where you can find a dl link. >.>