Okay, we're just going to make this post a post of awesome

Jan 19, 2011 09:10

to make up for yesterday's eeyore face.

NUMBER ONE: I, uh, somehow wrote a wee comment fic? I'd call it wincest with a side of Cas, though nothing ~untoward~ happens.

NUMBER TWO: Oh my god, the Arthur is a BNF and Merlin is his prize beta fic is DONE, YES, GOD, GO GO GO GO GO. I cannot stress enough how BADLY YOU NEED THIS IN YOUR LIFE.

NUMBER THREE: I never really though i would ever have to preface reccing a Supernatural wincest fic with the sentence, "Soooooo. Haven't actually seen Tremors." Because honestly. WHAT. But here goes:  The Elko County Adventure by candle_beck. My brother went on a Tremors phase, tearing through the movies like candy and spewing random facts at me, so i remembered enough to get that the gist was Giant Underground Alien Worms That Eat You. And now? Now my hardcoriest ship is fighting them. I don't understand why i love this, except it's candle_beck, and she can make me love freaking anything. And it's AMAZING, that helps. ;DD

NUMBER FOUR: And the Bible Didn't Mention Us by pixelinfandom. I don't even know what to say about this. 6x11 coda, get it while it's hot (IT WILL NEVER NOT BE HOT). Look at all the little things the author doesn't say, it just. MY HEART.

NUMBER FIVE: Danno wants them both to be bad bitches.

Okay, so, penny and i were rewatching 1x14 yesterday, and OH MY GOD IF YOU AREN'T WATCHING THIS SHOW  WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? They're fighting over which CHiPS character they'd be, and Danny says, and I quote: "Estrada is a bad bitch."

Now, I'm just going to SUBSTITUTE "bad bitch" every time he says Estrada.

Danny: Estrada was a bad bitch, man.

Steve: Yup. That's why there's no way.

Danny: Wait a minute. Why can't I be a bad bitch?

Steve: Look, I'm just saying, I have more in common with a bad bitch, okay?

Danny: Can we just both be bad bitches?

Steve: *armcross* That's fine.


NUMBER SIX: Steve thinks reading's good for you. So does his chin dimple.


the epic love story of sam&dean, ficrecs, merlin, hawaii five oh my god, random! random! random!, supernatural, wincest, hahaha i think i'm funny

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