Random Confession Time: Lincoln is my favorite president. Tall, super smart,
possibly homosexual and snarky as hell. He wrote bawdy poetry, married a crazy woman, and dug up his dead son's coffin three times. And, when he was a young man in his hometown, he challeneged the leader of a local gang to a wrestlng match.
No one knows who won the match, but that same gang showed up to every political rally for Lincoln and ran crowd control.
Though to be entirely honest, part of my love for Lincoln might have been sparked by the fact that my crazy American History teacher--who was Canadian, btw--absolutely hated Lincoln. Said he was unpatriotic and unconstitutional.
(I would like to point out that Abraham Lincoln was 6'4", and the bitchy Canadian was 5'1". Yeah, he didn't like me either. ;3 )
P.S. No offense meant, Canadians,
obviously ilu lots. *smish*