Is it kinda Skywalker? Or is it kinda stupid?

Sep 01, 2010 09:51

NOW THAT I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION (and have probably fucked up your friends page layout, whee!) I WOULD IKE TO JUMP ON THE BANDWAGON OF "Please don't crosspost comments you leave on my journal to FB and Twitter." Look, i could probably survive my family finding out, but the quality of living would certainly go down for a while.

Use copy/paste, guys, ( Read more... )

due south, help me obi-flist kenobi, fannish things are fannish

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amnoturmonkey September 1 2010, 21:38:06 UTC

I love RayK to itty bitty pieces. Sometimes I forget. Then I watch stuff like this and I remember how he HAD ME after one minute onscreen in ep 2.01. OH DUE SOUTH how I love it, it was totally crack but then when it was serious it could make me teary eyed. And so deeply melancholic... Ray *neednig*Ben... Ray dancing alone... is one of the things I love the most, just one of those moments that say so much. *snuggles vid and has babies with it*

... for a second, when I saw that crosspost stuff I was worried? then I remembered nobody popular comments on my shit so I was utterly relieved, and I say this without any bitterness at all. I won't, and I don't like that poeple has the option either, for the record, it's intrusive, even more so than your stuff suddenly appearing in search engines. Intertube, sometimes you're just... no...


queenklu September 1 2010, 21:46:12 UTC
GOD, I NEED MORE FRAYK IN MY LIFE. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE. (This vid was fantastic, amirite? I love the bit when he drops his hands...Bumm...dumm...*hearteyes*)

And i just don't understand how they thought this was a Good Idea. Seeing as it Really Really Isn't. *hands*


amnoturmonkey September 1 2010, 22:07:59 UTC
His little head-shake/neck-roll is a thing of PURE BEAUTY. Also ICOOOOOOOOOOOOOON OMFGNF BUDDY BREATHING I'll never forget how I was *shocked* in the happy-in-my-pants way when I first saw it, and then learned how Paul was SO on board with the ho-yay, evil bastard >D

It's remarkable how bad they know their clients, how they don't even consider how people, maybe, *want* privacy? Sure, some dip their fingers everywhere but it's just absurd to give the option of friends-locked posts, and then give the option to cross-post to fucking *everywhere*, it isn't logic, how... how do they give us the two options when they cancel each other? RayK should jump Bogart *and* Bacall on the LJ staff, right now.


queenklu September 1 2010, 22:54:46 UTC

Trufax. *nod* At the very least they should give us a fucking option to block people from posting comments with a link back to our pages. >.O


amnoturmonkey September 2 2010, 12:29:10 UTC
>D Sure thing, 'cos he's an evil genius and wanted some urls to check up our stuff in the internet and made sure there was enough hoyay while he was in charge of executive producing to make our head asplode, I mean "the new season's gonna be totally homoerotic" and "the new guy's so sexy, you're gonna love him" PAUL HOMG U HOR ILU


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