Big D, little ean, big N, little ozzo.

Aug 10, 2010 17:59

Yesterday was...bad. Weird bad, not catastrophic bad, which makes everything okay and live-through-able, but still.

- Two relatives i just spent chunks of last week with were badly injured in a motorcycle accident, but it looks like they'll be okay (eventually).

- Bus to Chicago an hour late because of traffic, even though we drove around the gridlock through the corny fields of corn.

- I realized my ID was not in my wallet right as we were checking baggage, and while they allowed me to check said baggage with my University of Scotland student ID, the lady at the gate before security would not. After searching frantically through my purse and mildly bursting into tears and several harsh glares from other people in line, she took a look at my credit card (??) and let me in. (I'm not sure this was kosher, but do not actually care.)

- Dad lost the keys to the van, which we'd parked in a family friend's neighboor's driveway. Luckily she had the spare key.

Just...yeah. And this morning i said goodbye to a BFF :(

So. What have you been up to these past few weeks? What fics have rocked your world? *chinhands*

ugh & damn, random! random! random!, do i really need a real life tag?, full of ennui

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