Aug 04, 2010 14:58

I have escaped from a mob of relatives intent on forcing me to mini-golf to bring you this breaking update:

Porn withdrawal! I have gone through it. o.o

And well, you withdrawal, and LJ withdrawal, and something that doesn't involve inane family chatter withdrawal, and basically FUCKING HUMIDITY HOW DO PEOPLE BREATHE?

Not that i am, you know, having a horrible time. There's a lake (full of seaweed) and a dragon puzzle (fucking blue pieces) and family home movies (...yay) and random stints of babysitting (the four year old. By the way, you have not seen freaking adorable until you've seen this little girl sing Bad Romance  ♥_____♥ i'm in love).

Soooooo...yeah. God, how has it only been three days? Did get to talk with dugindeep on Sunday and frighten everyone else in the diner with our stories of man love and fandom. XD Did not even have to navigate an awkward meet'n'greet with my parents, as they abandoned me (unknowingly) into the arms of an internet stalker. ;P And i owe her $2 worth of fic for the pepsi i didn't have cash enough to pay for. *facepalm* That's what happens when you sponge off your evil grandma, kids.

Ugh, i don't even know what to tell you about: the part where we're sharing the place with an honest to god Band Camp (and if i never ever hear New York, New York again it will be just...awesome); the part where my entire extended family knows every classic Broadway song ever, PLUS the words to Pirates of Penzance at the drop of a hat; or the part where i had a feathered contraption shoved on my head within minutes of waking up so i could be filmed waving to my cousins while we reinacted our ancestors arriving in New Jersey after twenty years of missionary work in Iran.

...I just can't. Needs moar porn.

So. How normal are you?

cheeseheadagogo, random! random! random!, do i really need a real life tag?, wtf is all this *nature*?, porn: it's what's for dinner

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