
Jul 07, 2010 10:41

I do this. I have done this. This is nothing new, this fic-xating on a not-so-popular OTP and ~running with it. But while Mike/Misha was relatively, oh, nonexistent, there's so much more MATERIAL for Chris and Steve and i honestly feel like i'm floundering a little bit under the sheer SLASH.

I mean, just look at THIS. Yes, the font is really tiny, but if you suffer through it--I mean, TALK ABOUT PROOF THEY ARE BOYFRIENDS.


STEVE: The question is, could I have kissed Chris better than kissing Julie? [laughs] One time!! We were drunk! We were in London...


CHRIS: [...]Steve's an unbelieveable cook, so I can't take that from him, 'cause when I learned, I learned from him. So I love to cook, I cook every day, that's my favorite thing to do. But he [Steve] went to culinary school so...fuck him! You won. He's a really really good cook, so that's your thing Steve...


CHRIS (TO STEVE): Well, I like hands, you know I like hands. It's one of my favorite body parts...besides the legs, the ass and the boobs. I loooove hands! 'Cause they're on you and you can feel them and I feel that a lot of emotion comes out of that...and the legs, ass and boobs. [laughs] Take that.

PLUS...omg, idek, Chris's favorite joke is the frayed knot. I just. I don't know what to do with that.

Also, this is yet another happy place. GUITAR!KISSING. I ship it.

And, last thing: waterofthemoon  wrote On A Saturday Night Somewhere, Chris/Steve post-gig smut. OMNOMNOMNOM.

So basically, um. Yeah. *overwhelmed*

chris&steve can sing me lullabies, homg: cute!, ficrecs, fannish things are fannish, certifiably insane yesyesyes, random! random! random!, rps, if you were gay

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