You make the call to make my day...

Jun 25, 2010 13:44

APPARENTLY yesterday was an unofficial Post A Pic Of Rosey Day and i missed it. *SIGH* So, late to the party (and slightly hungover):

It took much deliberation, but take a second, realize why this is a sexass pic. On first glance, what the hell is he wearing? On second glance, oh is he looking at me? Is he pointing at me? Are his hot like burning eyes following me around the room? Tequila? 1800? TELL NO ONE? *knees give out*

It's stealth!sexappeal. The sexiest sex appeal there is, because BAM! Didn't see that comin'. ;3

Klu Day was a big success. Pina Coladas all around. New clothes, cute belt, Star Trek, Eddie Izzard, and teeny bottles of flavored rum. And CHEESEcake. And we watched Jennifer's Body into the wee hours. I don't understand why I like that movie the more i watch it. It's just such. WHAAAAAT.


picspam, mike--sweetie--boobs are for boys, ficrecs

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