And you, sir, an excellent policeman.

Jun 13, 2010 18:51


So once upon a time I got an LJ under the misaprehension that i needed one in order to read the entires on m15m, a completely innocent site spoofing movies. Around the same time, one of my BFFs moved a good six hours drive away to go to college, and i suggested that she and I use LJ to keep in touch. Turns out facebook and email worked better for that purpose, and when i fell into fandom (head over sexy high heels) i...well, i forget sometimes that she knows about this LJ.

Luckily for me, she is the one of my three BFFs who is not with the judgey-judgey in concerns to slash. In fact, she'd actually get more enthusiastic about the slash herself if it weren't for the fact that she's squicked by anal sex.

Anyway, the other day the four of us (the BFFs and me) were ensconsed on my L-couch watching Sherlock Holmes, and she makes with the nudge-nudge-wink-wink to me about Holmes and Watson, as one does. Then she makes mention (real quiet) that she's thinking about reading one of the fics i left on the last rec dump.

Now, seeing a convertee--among my circle of BFFs no less!--i do not in fact scare her off by breaking her nose flailing, but say all casual, "Oh yeah i think you'd like it," remembering (wrongly) that this fic doesn't get further than frottage. And i don't think anything more of it, really, srsly, fo sho.

Two days later she's read it, loved it, dispite the bum bits that she skimmed, and i'm still trying not to squee too hard in case i scare her off. We're driving in the car discussing it, and this happens:

C: I really like, well it makes sense that Watson's a Doctor--

Klu: *thinking* because he can fix up Holmes when he gets hurt/because he's a good sensible foil to Holmes' crazy/because--

C: --because he knows where the prostate is.

Klu: *drives off the road*

Alright, not literally, but near about. And last night we saw The A-Team and started arguing (lightly) about who would make the best boyfriends--B.A./Murdock or B.A./Faceman. (I was aruging for the latter simply because. Well. Bradley Cooper.)

IIIIII love my life.

P.S. Sorry for being such an LJ flake. Stella is still dying unaccountably.

sherlock holmes yo, love is all you need, *nerdgasm*

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