It's 6:30 in the morning. Do you know where your queenklu is?

May 21, 2010 08:26

Ughh. 3ish hours of sleep last night, so i might actually be able to sleep on the train. Didn't cut myself short on purpose--i stressed myself right out of a REM cycle at five this morning, having gone to bed at two because i couldn't NOT finish a certain fic. So...yeah. I've got time, and I figure you might miss my crazy (...ha) so have a massive rec list.

Due South

Belles Lettres by Journey and Denise Raymond: Semi-epostilary fic, which means lettersss. Which are so much fun. Skews off from MOTB, because Fraser's D-U-M dumb and takes the transfer.

A Fine Romance by Sihaya Black and Chickwriter: First off, Sihaya is one of my favorites, but she flounced off with all of her fic and i've only managed to grab hold of a couple co-written fics. Like this one. OH MAN SO GOOD. Your standard romantic misunderstanding in the way of 'dates,' but brilliantly and originally executed.

You Got Me Now by kristiinthedark : Ray. In panties. Aguh. *mops up the drool* Check out the whole pantyverse tag while you're there, with the understanding that you will need a second pair on hand for yourself.

Learn to Speak Canine in Seven Easy Steps by etcetera_cat : Dief's POV, which is never not fun. But there's something about his voice in this that rings truer than any other interpretation of his voice for me. Also? Lettuce.

Hypothetical by china_shop : "Hey, Fraser," Ray whispered into Fraser's ear. "What if those guys threatened to kill us unless we had sex?" Onlyyyyy Raaaaayyy... XD

Rush by china_shop : He can smell it. *whine* Want. Yes this.

Parteners With Priviledges by arrow00 : I want to marry arrow00  and have her brain babies. As it is, i shall fawn from afar. Jesus H. So that's Ray, leaning over, a definite tilt now, actually making his move, and just as he's about to lunge for the soft, red corner of Fraser's lips, Fraser jerks forward and says, "Yes!" excitedly, staring at some hockey play on the screen, and Ray's momentum has him tumbling to the couch cushion behind Fraser's back.


Show Me by arrow00 : askjfdakdslfjkdskkkkk. Yeah that kind of showing. I've got Fraser--Constable Benton fucking-Fraser--lying on my bed, buck naked except for the Stetson, which is tipped just so I can barely see his eyes.

Twitch by slidellra  and omphale23 : Ray gets bored. Obviously the solution is phonesex. While he's at work.

After The Nile by joandarck : Long. Ass. Fic. So. So. Worth it. On the quest for Franklin's hand, they stop off to see Maggie and of course uncover a nefarious plot to destroy the world, all while blindly ignoring their own feelings for eachother. So pretty standard, only--yeah. NOT.

Horizontal Mambo by isis : 1) Ray's teaching Fraser to dance. 2) Ray's teaching Fraser to drink WHITE RUSSIANS. 3) Ray's teaching Fraser teh sex. So really, no way this fic could've gone wrong.


Dark is a Way and Light is a Place by j_s_cavalcante : A really cool twist on the episode where Ray has to take refuge in the Consulate, and his potential relationship with the man he was meeting. \O/

Baresark by ...uh?: Fight (UST) Fight (UST) Fight (UST) Fight (UST) PORN! But really, really touching at the same time.

In The Foothills, It Almost by standing_fic : Alright, this is not the usual thing i go for. For one, it's gen. For two, it's about Columbine. I know, your stomache just seized, didn't it? We've got such a don'ttouch vibe about Columbine, but i swear it's so worth the read--gorgeous and chilling and so damn cathartic. No one dies. not even one person.

May Angels Lead You In [vid] by dood25: FREAKING. GORGEOUS. *BAWLS* BOYS.

Nutshell by ctheb : 5x22 coda, wincest, freaking. Just. Yeah.

Right Behind Me As Before by taelynhawker : 100th episode coda, wincest, OMNOMNOMNOM i shall never be able to look at Bobby's junkyard the same. *purr*

...Untitled? by jadedpen : UM. Buttplug. Guh*dies* 

Anegada: The Drowned Land by veronamay : This is getting recced around, AS IT SHOULD BE. PERIOD AU, guys. STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND. PIRATES. BEARD!PORN (and this is not something i would have thought could be my kink but hoooooooooshit does she make it work. Guh). The porn? Is smokin'. And it's all so in character, i just. Unffffaslkda

Possibilities You Don't Know You've Got and An Audience With the Pope by longsufferingly /poorchoices : SUPERMAN J2 AU. It's so cute! There will never be enough. XDD

Jared/Jensen/Danneel untitled porn by jadedpen : “The thing is …” Jensen grunts, leaving the sentence unfinished when Jared drives deeper, hitting bottom and filling him up so good he can’t remember his name for a second. “Uh … she wants to fuck you.” HI THIS WORKS FOR ME LIKE MOST J/J/D DOESN'T. *squirms*

Bare by jadedpen : Jared shaaaaaves Jensen. Down there. Haguhnf.

Colin/Bradley (Merlin rpf)

It's Always Funny Kissing Your Mates (Except When It's Not) by adelagia : Pranks. Pranks. Pranks. Pranks. Only when the girls go marching two-by-two, well... The boys never stood much of a chance.

Wherein Colin is Bradley's Baby-Mama by ifyouweremine : OH. MY GOD. MY MIND. IS BLOWN. And it's not exactly mpreg because you can't even see the mpreg for the CRACK. BUT. CHRIST, IT'S LIKE BRADLEY JAMES WROTE FANFICTION.

Karaoke, Sport of Kings by lamardeuse : COLIN, COME BACK TO OUR CASTLE. Also, like, i don't even know how to describe this amount of awesome.

Open (Filthy Reverence)  by kick_flaw : Um. Moar buttplugs you say? *looks elsewhere*

Prodigal by i_claudia : Hi. Barebacking.

Perfect Day by valderys : What makes me love this fic so much is quite possibly the sheer HOMG I'VE BEEN THERE i get when they're walking by Cardiff Castle along the animal wall, IN THE PARK IN WALES WHERE I'VE BEEN. THIS NEVER HAPPENS TO ME. XDDDD My bragging, let me show you it:


This Was Not in the Job Description by ifyouweremine : Being Arthur’s manservant was generally alright, Merlin supposed, except for all the blowjobs. THIS IS EXACTLY THE KIND OF FIC I WANTED WHEN I FIRST GOT INTO THIS FANDOM. WHICH PROBABLY SAYS SOMETHING ABOUT ME.

Evermore: Still Never Enough by lillaw : PORN. No i don't think you understand. PORN. PAH. HORN. Fuck fuck fucking til you can't fuck no mo. And then one more time for posterity. 

And One Kradam Fic For Shri

Untitled Nicety in Lieu of Cages Fic by seperis : Thees ees sort of a threesome. *purr*

In any case, I'll miss YOU, my darlings. I'm wearing my lucky traveling shirt (it says Miss Direction with many many rainbow arrows all over the place) and my Ganesh necklace (because he protects you against traffic accidents and doesn't EAT YOUR FACE) so i'm all set. Now i just have to wait.

...the odds of me leaving for Edinburgh three hours early are very high.

vidrec, ficrecs, merlin, j2, due south, bradders&col, supernatural, wincest, adam "glam kilt" lambert, porn: it's what's for dinner

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