May 07, 2010 22:36
Honestly, i doubt anyone would notice (this is not a guilt trip) but i'll be pretty much awol for a couple of days. IIII KNOOOOOW YOU DON'T CAAAAAARE. But i have three essays--a grand total of nearly 7 thousand words of intellectual bull crap--to clunk out.
So i'll be here, ish, but i'm not going to be posting anything relevant. I ALREADY DON'T POST ANYTHING RELEVANT. I think i need a hug... /Donkey.
The problem i'm facing with these essays is thus: I haven't read any of the books. D: you say? :D i respond. This has worked for 9 essays prior for THIS YEAR ALONE, so. Yeah. Most texts are archaic enough i can a) find them online, b) read what people much smarter than me have to say about them, and c) cobble it into an essay THAT ACTUALLY GETS A GOOD GRADE. I wouldn't do this if it didn't work.
So. Two of my essays aren't going to be that big a deal--one is comparing The Beach of Falesa and Prester John, both archaic, both debatable, one of which is set in Blaauwildebeestefontein (NO I'M NOT MAKING THAT UP, i seriously thought Wikipedia was lying to me); and the other essay is comparing Emma (the book) with Emma (the movie) and Clueless. No rly.
It's freaking Angels in America that's tripping me up, because it's not old and outdated enough to be free online! BUGGER BOLLOCKS AND SHITE. I really wanted to make it the whole year without buying any required reading. T__T
Unless yooooou know where i can find it? *blinky eyes*
i'm sorry what is this fuckwittery?,
do i really need a real life tag?,
hahaha i think i'm funny