And a look on their face of pure "Quoi?"

May 03, 2010 19:43

Beckett: ...When i'm not here do you guys braid each other's hair and debate who's the best Jonas Brother?

Esposito: Nope. But it's totally Nick.

Ryan: Right? Totally Nick.


Hmm. I have three massive essays due on the 13th which i should be working on. 'Should' being, in fact, a ~key word~ to hint at what i've actually been doing. Also the quote from Castle from, oh, MONTHS AGO should again tip you off.

But i am going to finally do something productive and get everything arranged from my trippe donne la countrie de Wales. Oui, mon amies, this is not France, but WHO EVER SAID I WAS GOING TO FRANCE, EH? Pas personnes.

So i am going to Wales after school lets out (teaching is officially over this week, woo, and after my essays there is nada until i get on the plane home) AND I GET TO GO SEE PENNY!! With no meddling normals and oh yes, real food. This has made the prospect of doing this tour by myself much less terrifying. Trala!

The only problem now is getting back. And by problem i don't mean PROBLEM i mean GIANT FUCKING HASSLE. Why. Why is it so diffcult to fly to Edinburgh? Or Glasgow? I'd take Glasgow if i had to! (Even though trains to Stirling from Glasgow are few and far between at least i'd be in SCOTLAND.) To get to Penny, it is actually CHEAPER to go to another city entirely than straight to London, and i don't particularly want to pay $140 for a sleeper train. :(((

Also, i'm already debating whether to bring Stella with me. On the one hand, ipod charger, email and word, and most of the hostels should have wifi. Also, if i'm by myself and don't make friends, I WILL HAVE YOU. But on the other hand, traveling with a laptop, i don't have a really decent padded bag for it, and. Yeah. Mostly it could get stoled.

Oh and the day i get back, i'll be doing a swimmers turn to Some Place where there are HIGHLAND GAMES. So, uh. Yeah. Have to be back in time for that.

...There is a sleeper train that could get me to Stiring by four in the morning for £140. ...*pained noise*

Yaaaaaaaaaaaye. How is your Monday?

castle, help me obi-flist kenobi, lonnnnndon, random! random! random!, love is all you need, do i really need a real life tag?, scotland-a-go-go

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