Yeah i wanna do right but not right now...

Mar 29, 2010 11:09

I have to go to Tesco today or i will starve. Pretty much literally. If i absolutely had to i could survive maybe one more day, but that's IT.

I also have to run up to campus to hand in my essay, so that gets me in the vicinity of the buses, so it's all good. I was just planning on going clothes shopping too (i am in DESPERATE NEED OF PANTS--trousers, all you Brit types, not undies--YOU HAVE NO IDEA) but...ugh, i hate that i don't know where to look. Plus i need a backpack to go haul back all my Tesco-y loot, and it's awkward clothes shopping with a backpack.

...exciting times in my life...

someday soon there will be a rec post entirely dedicated to tongueincheeky. ...but not today.

Oh, and i am also planning KLUFEST. Which you should be scared about, let's be honest.


P.S. Trek fanssss!  HAVE YOU SEEN THIS? I keep meaning to point you towards it. REMEMBER WHEN I WAS FLAILING OVER THE POSIBILITY OF A CERTAIN ZQMF READING THE REBOOT NOVEL? Well, a) IT'S TRUE, and b) SUMBUDDY edited it together into one ZQMF READING KIRK/SPOCK PORN. *FLAILS* God. I love fandom. <3333

startrek: reboot! reboot! reboot!, zqmf, bitch bitch bitch, do i really need a real life tag?

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