Rec-a-deck. And then some.

Feb 02, 2010 17:20

So in the rush to get my j2_everafter  fic done (which it still isn't, BY the way) i forgot that there were other people ACTUALLY POSTING. Now i've only read two so far, but they're both AWESOME and i've been meaning to do a rec post anyway. So.


Malibu Jared(c) by _mournthewicked . Okay, so. Jared is a BARBIE DOLL. And then he's NOT. If that's not enough incentive, then...idk, there's something wrong with your brain. The fic does get a little long winded in the middle, but OH MAN, the climax--and the last line--are spot dead on. WIN.

And Behind This Door... by indysaur . GAHHH. Sometimes i think her fics are a little too smart for me, but then i realize this is because i'm a shallow shell of a person. Which is okay, because fics like these get to fill me up! It's Monsters Inc., okay? Only. Only there's like. REAL REAL LIFE GROWING UP ANGST, but it's so PRETTY and SNARKY you don't even realize you hurt until you're rubbing your chest going, "Ow!" Happy ending seal of approval, tho. \O/

Due South

Prolix by Dira Sudis. So. Um. I have this smart!kink. As far as kinks go it kind of sucks to have because i so very rarely find fics that FULFILL IT, HARDCORE, LIKE THIS ONE. Best part? You don't even realize it's a smart!kink fic until the end! (well, i guess you do now...)

Reading Between the Lines by Brooklinegirl. Ray reads Fraser's journal, only like. In front of him. And then there is sex. I would killkillkill to read Fraser's journal. And then there'd be sex. I think i have a new kink for people shouting uncomfortable truths at eachother until they snap. \ooo/


Accidental Memmory in the Case of Death by derryere . I understand that by asking you to read this fic i am also asking you to give up a BIG chunk of your life. I solemnly swear, though, that it is nothing you will regret. Reincarnation fic of the first and best order, omnomnomnom, and really?  This promo vid right here says it a lot better than i could. WATCH THE VID IF NOTHING ELSE--DROP DEAD GORGEOUS. COLIN'S EMO EARBUD FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE.


Yes. Shut up. Everyone needs a little Adam in their life. Snarky leather mascara inyourface gay--there should be a J2 au.

(this is) not a statement by seperis . This is theoretically a WIP, but it doesn't FEEL like it. And it's not like there's any one big plot device and it's not slice-of-life--it just is, and what it is is good.


Look, i reaize this pairing might squick people out. But let's face it, THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU. This is so i can find this fic should the need ever arise to reread it. Which it shall. 99% sure. (This is a guilty pleasure, but it's MY guilty pleasure. Pls to not wank.)

The Superpowers Made us Do it! by onelittlesleep . Everyone has super powers! Nick's is just...speshul. In the "Ohgoddon'tstop" sense, naturally. *PURR*

due south, vidrec, jobro, ficrecs, happily everaftering, merlin

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