'stfu cas' icon is appropriate re: blithering

Jan 28, 2010 11:15

This is just random bits of random i will probably be adding to all day. Maybe. We'll see.

~ Stephen Fry is FECKING ADORABLE, you know? Just so damn AKDLASK worthy. (I don't know how to do screencaps so this is  the best i can do:

stephenfry Plus *eyelidflutter* Steve Jobs said "Hi, Stephen" *swoon*
Reason #128798479238 that Stephen Fry is the winniest win to ever win a win: His mancrush? CEO of Apple Inc. \OOOO/

~ Christian Kane just won my heart again. How can you NOT love a guy who says things like "PPWHACKKKK!!!! Bitch!!"?  Plus i love that he seems to have reconnected with his boyfriend Steve via twitter. Lava lamps never lie!

~ So i've just been brought up to speed on the whole Clif issue. I don't usually get into these fandomy arguements, guys, and i'm not going to/trying to start anything or say my opinion is the tell-all end-all of opinions, i'm just going to give it to you:

Clif obviously means well, getting up in arms over some girl thinking it'd be a great idea to meet (fake)Jared'n'Jensen in the real world. He's a bodyguard, gotta assume the guy's a little overprotective. It's awesome that he cares about us enough to feel like we need him. However, we really don't. (Well, obviously those of us dumb enough to believe shit we read on the internet need SOME sort of protection, but that's not Clif's job saving people hunting things. That's Darwinism, baybee, survival of the not-dumb.)

I think Clif needs to take a step back, step down from being the America of our fandom (ha get it? because we police the world...?) and realize there's nothing he can do to save us from ourselves. And he shouldn't drag the boys into his battles--sometimes it seems like they only get to see the crazy/weird/dark side of us, and that makes my heart hurt. :(

I'm not going to get into his whole stance on Wincest, though, because that just pisses me off. I could draw some pretty hefty similarities between that and the fundamentalist Christian stance on homosexuality, but that might be crossing a line. >.>

~ Does anyone have a decent copy of Adam Lambert's song What Do You Want From Me? they'd be willing to point me towards? iTunes dislikes Scotland something fierce. (Or maybe it's my internet connection. LE HANDS)

ETAAAAAAA: Does anyone know of a free thingy that will open .rar files? Stella used to have WinRar but that was before the brainwipe, and i CANNOT BRING HER BACK TO THOSE GUYS, OKAY? I'm sure they are as sick of seeing me as i am of them. *BAMBI EYES* GOT ONE! <33

Also, really Tony? Team Edward? STFU.

chris&steve can sing me lullabies, music, stephen lady lumps fry, i'm sorry what is this fuckwittery?, bitch bitch bitch, fannish things are fannish

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