Just got back from watching Love Actually with some...friends of a friend i guess? Whatevs, I LOVE THAT MOVIE. GODDDD I LOVE IT. I think my favorite is the one with the little boy, especially poignant sice Liam Neeson (LIAM NEESON!)'s wife actually did die. R.I.P. T_T Also, that kid is adorable. When he grows up, i fortell slashfic being written about him. *is going to hell*
(Random note here, my 'N' key keeps crapping out toight. HA LOOKIT. Just fyi, i didn't suddenly forget how to spell if there are typos.)
Random #2: Just realized I'm going to have to get back from Edinburgh on Thanksgiving in time for class, seeing as they don't close school for holidays they don't celebrate. DUH. *gibbssmacksself*
dugindeep is making me (us!!) an M2 COMM! SO I CAN STOP SPAMMING YOU WITH THIS SHIT and START SPAMMING THE WORLD! I'll let you know when you need to sign away your souls. Yes, bbs, challenges. I predict them.
Random #90123809.5: when i was walkig to the bus stop i swear to god i saw a big dog running at me on my left, but when i jumped and turned there was nothing there. WTF, this isn't the month for that sort of shit! *SHIVERS* *CRIES*
Aaaand going to bed. On that thought. Greeeeeeeeat.