it's Bert - the Farting Hippo(tm)!

Oct 28, 2009 12:07

I'm back. Dead. But back. From LONDON.

And it was really fun and i saw the tower of london and got hugged and kissed on the cheek several times by a drunken psychology teacher (who was adorable in a ten years older than me and also reeeeeeally drunk way) and i will tell you about it all my darlings but remember the part where i'm dead?

Remember several weeks ago when i complained about my shoes, seeing as i was literally wearing out the bottoms? Well.

I bet you thought i'd bought new shooz by now.

I tried, bbs. Apparently, i have gigantuan american yeti feet. And i do know about the size difference, so don't fret that i walked into a bunch of shoe stores, saw that they only went up to 8, and left. I'm a size elevenish in the U.S., which translates to size You're Kidding Yeah? in the U.K.

And then i took the train home last night instead of spending money on another night in the hostel,'s really hard for me to sleep when i can't stretch all 5'11.5" of me out, especially when my feet are screaming that they've feel better if i chopped them off at the ankles and my back keeps spasming because of hauling around my messenger back full of overnight things and yeah.

I dreamed about...weird stuff when i did sleep. Like. Cats. And alcoholic preteens. And at one point i swore i heard the overcomm come on and tell us to assume the position and grind, but i woke myself up trying to hear the rest.

so. *headfacemashpillow* i'm belly down on my bed typing with my chin barely propped up on most of my blankets and my poor beat to hell feet in the air, and tomorrow i'm back on a train to Edinburgh for a ghost tour. yussssss \o/

Oh p.s. the girls i was with and i were trying to figure out which movies had (wrongly) colored out expectations of London. I came up with
-101 Dalmations
-Knights Tale
- The Holiday. Mmmr. Napkinhead
-.........i'm dead remember? fml. I'm sure Gilmore Girls had something to do with it. give me more.

P.S. i have a really bad feeling i'm about to write a merlin fic. The summary will be: "Merlin and Arthur go see Camelot - the hit broadway musical. This is Non-Au."

Someone needs to feed me, and then tell me not to do it.

certifiably insane yesyesyes, help me obi-flist kenobi, lonnnnndon, do i really need a real life tag?

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