Sep 28, 2003 20:20
"Sex can be bought but love is only given" NicK
wOOOhOOO im chiLLin wit Vinny this week..sooo excited.i was suprised that he wanted to chill!..He get his nw car! A 97 Camaro RS im soooo fuckin JeLous!..
SVS420: hey what up
x1taLianbeLLax: Nothing much.. you?
SVS420: just got back from work
SVS420: i got a new car
SVS420: its hot
x1taLianbeLLax: oOo... whut kind?
SVS420: 97 Camaro RS
SVS420: red
SVS420: rims n shit
x1taLianbeLLax: =-O
x1taLianbeLLax: no wayyyyy
SVS420: yea its fuckin hot, lol
x1taLianbeLLax: omg im sooo jeLous
SVS420: i got a great deal on it
x1taLianbeLLax: ive been lookin for a siLver one!
SVS420: im so glad i took my time looking for a car
SVS420: it wuz 8 originally , but the guy sold it for 6
x1taLianbeLLax: omg! u totaLLy sucK!!!
SVS420: hes rich, he had a new BMW and Acura in his drive way
SVS420: he just wanted to get rid of it
x1taLianbeLLax: =-O =-O
x1taLianbeLLax: omg!
SVS420: ill take u for a ride soon
x1taLianbeLLax: O:-)
x1taLianbeLLax: ha i was gonna ask you when we gonna chill
x1taLianbeLLax: i wanna see you soon!
SVS420: whenever u want, i didnt feel like picking u up in a toyota paseo that wuz on its way out
SVS420: it wuz bad, lol
x1taLianbeLLax: haha
SVS420: Jenna is lucky she didnt buy it
x1taLianbeLLax: lol
SVS420: shed be wanting to kill me now
x1taLianbeLLax: haha
x1taLianbeLLax: i hate her car
SVS420: what does she got?
x1taLianbeLLax: but yea we gotta chill soon..out of nowhere my dad asked me how u were doin!
SVS420: lol really?
x1taLianbeLLax: like a 90 or 91 ford probe
SVS420: tell him i wrestled 2 shows over the weekend, and im in pain, lol
SVS420: oh i dont like probes
x1taLianbeLLax: its sooo fuckin ugLy
x1taLianbeLLax: awww
x1taLianbeLLax: hes in alotta pain too
x1taLianbeLLax: his surgerys fucked him up big time he might now beable to go back to work
x1taLianbeLLax: they wanna do another onw on his neck in 5 months to take tha screws and shit out cuz its causin him nerve damage!:-\
SVS420: wow that sucks
x1taLianbeLLax: yea
x1taLianbeLLax: it does
x1taLianbeLLax: i got a new job!!..
SVS420: where?
x1taLianbeLLax: theres a new sports/outdoor store thats opening up in october in RooseveLt fieLd...i statted this past week
x1taLianbeLLax: 8.00 hr pLus comission
x1taLianbeLLax: its sooo crazy its got this giant rock cLimbin wall in tha middle of tha store it goes thru tha 2nd floor
SVS420: cool
x1taLianbeLLax: yea
x1taLianbeLLax: are you busy on saturday?
SVS420: not that i know of
x1taLianbeLLax: u wanna chill on sat?
SVS420: yea, i wuz hoping maybe we could chill before that 2
x1taLianbeLLax: really?
SVS420: um yea, lol
SVS420: y not?
x1taLianbeLLax: ok im up for it
SVS420: i wasnt chillin wit cuz my car wuz dying and i wuz just waiting to find one to buy
x1taLianbeLLax: ohhh
x1taLianbeLLax: understandabLe