I have reached a major low in my career. At least, in the selections of odd jobs I've been doing to sustain myself. Yesterday morning, I had to create food that made me want to gag. I made breakfast and lunch at a retirement/nursing home. It was 'okay' pay, so I thought, "What the hell. Why not?" I had to be there at 6AM, an hour I have not seen in years. Consequently, I got up (again) today at 3:30AM, and my schedule has completely flipped.
There was no one there to show me the ropes, so I had to wing it. Everything went fine, except that I ran out of eggs and oatmeal, because I had no idea how many people I was cooking for. Literally, I had no guidance and very little help. The only two people who helped me at all were union workers, and had no qualms about exhibiting full apathy. I'm not sure what made me more nauseous… the food or the employees.
Nearly half these folks have special needs diets. Have you ever put vegetable lasagna in a blender and contemplated eating it? It's a great way to lose weight. Considering the cost of residing in one of these homes, don't you think they could spring for a higher caliber of food than canned pudding and compressed turkey?
Do me a huge favor, my friends. If you ever find me in a nursing facility being fed a plate full of odd purées... would you please kill me? We can make a pact, and the courtesy would be reciprocated.
In other news... I am designing a web site for a friend. It is coming along quite well, considering I am working with ancient software and tweaking it tag by tag. I've forgotten how much I enjoy web work. It's like working on a huge jigsaw puzzle, one that you design yourself. The best part is that at the end of a workday, you don't wind up smelling like garlic or craving a wind-down cocktail.
I was wondering... If I wore
a pair of these to my next job interview, would my obvious passion for my work land me the job? I really like the dangling knives. Very attractive.