[for the Stark/Pevensie family and guests] - new traditions - dated 25 December

Dec 19, 2008 10:10

Jeyne had never heard of Christmas before coming to the island, but almost two years of living here with so many people for whom Christmas was a great deal, she thought the sentiments of peace and good will, family and food and presents, to be quite appealing. It was because of this that Summerfell was the site of a Christmas feast for family and ( Read more... )

jon, marian, gathering, lyanna, rickon, arya, robb, susan, peter, lucy, jill, moril, coraline, edmund, ygritte, caspian, sansa, family, eddara, rilian

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Comments 297

giftless December 19 2008, 23:33:24 UTC
You've heard it said before that, for a thousand years in Narnia, it was always winter, but never Christmas. We can all agree that that is an awfully terrible way to live, but Edmund never remembered just how terrible until Christmas itself rolled around. He forgot just how lovely a home full of family and friends, overflowing with the warmth of a roaring fire, cooking and smiles could be. He forgot just how delicious everything smelled when it had been fretted over for hours and made with love. He forgot how good cheer could spread from person to person, crawl deep inside your chest and never let go. How someone could live without Christmas, he just didn't know. He didn't want to even contemplate it, not on today of all days.

Stomach full near to bursting, Edmund leaned back in his chair and sipped at his cider, wondering if a good snowball fight outside wouldn't get his appetite back for pie later on.


queeninthenorth December 21 2008, 05:03:33 UTC
Jeyne had been somewhat apprehensive about Susan's brother when she heard he had arrived on the island again, but was relieved to find that he was a pleasant young man that she could hardly hold any ill-will against. So after the meal she finally got the nerve to approach him and finally make her greetings--he was a guest in their house, after all. "Did you get enough to eat, Your Grace?" she asked, settling into a nearby chair and putting her tired and swollen feet up. It was rather ungraceful, but at eight months gone she supposed there were allowances.


giftless December 21 2008, 05:47:39 UTC
Edmund looked up, fighting to keep the satisfied noises of his stomach inside of him. More so now, in Robb's wife's company. Edmund didn't know what she knew of him, or the him that had been on the island before, but it is always a good idea to be on your best behavior when in someone else's house.

"Oh, too much," he said with a cheerful grin as he sat up in his chair. "You outdid yourself, Lady Stark."


queeninthenorth December 21 2008, 16:55:54 UTC
"Please, call me Jeyne," she insisted. "I know it's a bit silly of me, but Lady Catelyn will always be 'Lady Stark' to me, even now; I feel a bit like an imposter with her title." She rested her hands on her stomach; the babe was restless, as he usually was after she had eaten. "I can't take much credit for the meal--Sansa and your sisters really did all the work."


infathersimage December 20 2008, 00:54:23 UTC
Some ten years had passed since the young Prince had last celebrated Christmas. Now, such an absence may seem a hardship to you and me, though I must tell you the Lady of the Green Kirtle had not allowed Rilian to recall such a holiday. Thus, he had not known what he had been missing until snow began to fall on the island of Tabula Rasa. When the first flake fell, deliciously cold against the palm of his hand for but an instant before melting into a mere ghost of what it had once been, memories of Christmases past came flooding back. Mother and Father in the castle, roaring fires, much merriment being had....

When Sansa had suggested Rilian join her, Caspian, and Eddara for Christmas festivities, he had been overjoyed. Though their plans had changed to those of today, he remained grateful to Sansa for wishing to provide them with a taste of the beloved holiday.

The food long gone, Rilian paid his sister a bit of attention before beginning to help clear up the mess.


lifeisnotasong December 20 2008, 02:20:13 UTC
After a day of celebration, Eddara was not quite so willing to give up on attention in the cause of cleanliness and she trailed after Rilian. "Me," she said firmly, waving a newly acquired carved animal at him. "Play," she said staring up at him hopefully.


infathersimage December 20 2008, 11:47:56 UTC
As though Rilian could resist such a creature as his tiny sister! With her impish smile and such large, round eyes, I daresay we would have been helpless as well, had we found ourselves in the Prince's shoes.

"What's this?" he asked, crouching down to inspect her newest toy. "Has it got a name?"


lifeisnotasong December 20 2008, 12:05:39 UTC
"Mine," she advised pushing the carved elephant at him, quite contradicting her own word and considering his questions, "Ears," she said after a moment poking at the toys extremities with a tiny finger.


_kinginthenorth December 20 2008, 01:38:01 UTC
Robb had been annoying Jeyne with hovering, constantly worried that at just over eight months pregnant she's going to overdo something and--well, just what the consequences are that he fears he isn't sure, but is quite certain they're dire. He's a clever young man, though, and can eventually tell when he's getting on his wife's fraying nerves, and had endeavored to make himself useful instead, making sure there is more than enough cider to go around, the fire is crackling, and there are enough places to sit.

In some ways, it reminds him of feasts at Winterfell; there had been few enough travellers ready to venture that far north for a meal, but they were always well-done when they did happen, with food and wine flowing and children (usually himself and Jon and their siblings) running about everywhere. Oh, it has the face of the island on it too, but that is fitting, for their new home has never been precisely like the old one, and while there is good cheer and the company of family, Robb Stark is content.


queeninthenorth December 21 2008, 05:06:28 UTC
"I see that you managed to stop hovering over me long enough to eat," Jeyne said teasingly, sitting down beside Robb when the meal was finished. Though she had done her fair share in preparations, she was much too tired to tend to any of the washing-up and so did not protest when she was shooed out of the kitchen.


_kinginthenorth December 21 2008, 11:24:00 UTC
"I'm easily distracted," Robb says with a shrug, "what can I say?" He reaches for her hand, squeezing lightly. "Happy?"


queeninthenorth December 21 2008, 16:52:11 UTC
"Yes," she replied, squeezing his hand, and then putting her feet up on a nearby stool because they hurt. "Very much so. And the effort was definitely worth it."


lifeisnotasong December 20 2008, 02:17:49 UTC
Though Sansa's plans for Christmas had been altered, she could not say it was not for the better because a feast reminded her of home as much as Christmas might remind those who normally celebrated it. Though she had never taking part in cooking a feast before - afterwards it seemed well worth it.

But one thing about her plans for this day has not changed because she had learnt these songs specially and after dinner she takes up the harp (still on loan from poor Moril but she gives it back easily enough whenever he wants it.) She starts with the carol's that she learnt from Bran but every now and again, sneaks in a little of the Narnian music she learnt during the dream visit even though they probably aren't as seasonal.


giftless December 21 2008, 06:17:20 UTC
Edmund listened attentively to Sansa's playing when he could, between cleaning up after the meal and playing with the smaller children. When she stopped playing long enough to take a break, Edmund approached with a wide grin on his face. "You play beautifully, Sansa."


lifeisnotasong December 21 2008, 21:31:37 UTC
Sansa could not help but beam at the compliment for she had worried - despite the time she had spent with Bran learning the carols - that she would be quite of practice. "Thank you," she said, "the Christmas music I've learned seems quite lovely - do you have a favourite at all? I might know it."


giftless December 23 2008, 05:48:45 UTC
Edmund had to think about the question for a moment before deciding. "I don't suppose you know 'Silent Night', do you? That's quite lovely."


lonewolflives December 20 2008, 03:07:30 UTC
Arya was of the firm opinion that the only way this occasion could be improved was if it was held between stone walls with enough space for it, instead of having improvised tables. Not that there was anything wrong with them, and Summerfell hadn't been wrecked in quite some time - another thing to celebrate - she just still felt some upgrades would be smashing.

She wasn't even annoyed about being on baby duty. She liked baby duty, even if she was a bit suspicious of being assigned it instead of cooking. Right then, though, she wasn't on any kind of duty, unless slouching replete in one's chair counted as a duty. If it did, then, well, valar dohaeris.


onceaqueen December 21 2008, 05:09:30 UTC
Rickon, who had been sitting on a blanket in the floor nearby Arya's chair under Shadow's watchful eye, playing with his blocks, managed to get round rather sneakily these days by an odd combination of scooting and rolling (he'd not yet mastered crawling). That was how he ended up at her feet, tugging on her leg and saying, "ah ah ah!" which was about as close to Arya as he could manage.


lonewolflives December 21 2008, 06:28:44 UTC
"That's right," Arya cooed, grinning down at Rickon and leaning right over so her head was almost upside down at Rickon's level. "Arya!" She held out her hands. "You want up? You want Arya down?"


onceaqueen December 21 2008, 17:00:33 UTC
Rickon bounced up and down excitedly, taking her hands and tugging, which clearly meant that she should come down to his level. Her face looked funny almost upside down, and he laughed, batting at her hair hanging down.


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