Third Move | Video

Sep 12, 2011 13:10

[Kyrie is sitting on her knees on the bed in her croft, looking down at the floor with a frown - her yukata would get dirty. To anyone who might know or at least recognize her, if you could tell her age (lol milf), she may look about twenty years younger now (that is to say, she’s about 20 years old now) - not to mention her change in clothing.]

Do you call this a kidnapping?  I’m unimpressed.  Why don’t you come speak to me face to face - or is it that you’re too afraid?  Listen, if this is about money, no one is giving you a single yen.  If you don’t show, I’m leaving.  It’s not very wise to leave the door open, worse still to leave a captive with a weapon [giggle].  If you do decide to be a man, bring tea.

However, one must wonder, is that really the case?  No one would be so stupid.  So, unless I'm dealing with an idiot, who is behind this and for what purpose.

I'm getting impatient.

(Tags will come from breakinurknees for the icons!)

happy fun fun underground tea room, event: timeline

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