Apr 12, 2006 01:01
"The spring has been exquisite and the..." yatta yatta yatta.
Spring time is such a paradox. First it lures me outside with its warm weather and sunshine. Then, it makes my eyes puffy and painful and I sneeze through the day.
I hate spring.
There, I said it.
I have a crush on my english teacher. He's delicious, with his dark, wavy hair and perfectly crafted stubble. I always fall in love with older men. Chuck Smith, anyone? Yum-my.
So, I know I said last weekend would be good (which it was), but this weekend will far exceed any expectations I had for last weekend. It will be filled with all of the things I love the most. Some booze, some charm, some Rachel, some fun.
Don't ever drink Fruit-2-0.