Have some pictures of real pretty boys!

Jun 22, 2010 18:54

I'm sick of editing, so I'm doing a GK picspam. Please feel free to drop in with any pics, gifs or drabbles, because, well, I have another all-day training thing tomorrow and checking on this post will be the only thing that gets me through it <3

I only just noticed hot shirtless Lilley in the background there being a creeper. Because the image - even out of context - of Ray sort of bowing down submissively to Nate is PRETTY DISTRACTING. Ray's mouth is sexy in this picture too. I don't know WHY. It just IS.

Smile. Dimples. Dirty face. Gloves. Pimp glasses. There are SO MANY things I enjoy about this picture!

Oh god his eyes.

Nate being a badass gives me SHIVERS. And. Look at his mouth. Oh god. Can you imagine him and Ray KISSING? I CAN. AND AM.

I just realised I hardly have any pictures of Brad saved. Can you please all spam me pictures of Brad? I actually have more pictures of Nate than him. Anyway - eternal BFFs :D Makes my heart happy.

WALT! I think this is my favourite shot of Walt. Gorgeous sunshine-child. I love him so much. I want to bite at his jaw and see if it makes him shiver.

Siiiiigh. All these boys have beautiful eyes and mouths.

All of my pictures of Brad have Ray in them. How awful. I adore this, though, the way they're GAZING into each other's eyes. And the way Ray looks back at him. Ray, be more in love. I DARE you.

OH YOU TOOK ME UP ON THAT DARE, HUH? This will always now remind me of novembersmith  and her amazing Brad/Ray/Nate threesome Take Two Marines (And Call Me In The Morning) Uggggggh. So good.

I have been looking at this picture for MONTHS and I still can't get over the way their hands are touching, and how much BIGGER Brad is. Do you know how hard it is to look at something like that and then write ROMANCE between them? All I want is to have Brad hold Ray down and - well, you know. Ahem.

Walt, you have a filthy mind! Walt would like to watch the above scenario. And maybe take notes, for when he gets his turn at Ray.

Nate would like to point out that he'll be paying close attention, too.

...wait, PJ? How did YOU get in here?

Ok, that's all I got for now. I'm gonna go look at some wips now that I'm finally finished with my story (It has a name! 'In This White Wave I Am Sinking' from Silence by Delerium) I might see about that Ray/Doc baby fic. HMMMM. The possibilities are ENDLESS! OR! I'll finally go do the latest challenge at we_pimpin . Write or Die is a brilliant, evil website and I can't recommend it enough. I use it to transcribe stuff from my notebook, which is boring and tedious and annoying. And now I will use it to write ten minutes of porn.

Ahhh. Life is good.


ETA: I wrote some total filth over at that challenge. Brad/Nate - wonders will never cease, but they ARE getting off obsessing over Ray's mouth, so I am totally not breaking the rules of my own comm, so nerr. Uh.

generation kill, we_pimpin, picspam

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