You know what is never ok? Racism.
SPN Big Bang author gatorgrrrl has written a J2 love story against the backdrop of the Haitian earthquake disaster. I will say this for the SPN fen- they're standing up and shouting this nonsense down. It happened from within before the entire rest of fandom caught up, so at least there's that. But seriously, SPN fandom? Seriously? You can't just put this on ONE bad egg. Yes, one author was blindingly racist and insensitive BUT it was for a BIG BANG fic! That meant she had MANY people collaborating with her. Her beta - why didn't her beta SAY something? Her artist. Why didn't THEY say anything? The people who run BB, who would have seen her draft or at least a summery. Why didn't someone say "Err, excuse me, you're being terribly, terribly racist and I don't think you should publish this?" Why didn't ANY OF THOSE PEOPLE speak up? JESUS. When someone is being RACIST you have to TELL THEM! It is our JOB as DECENT HUMAN BEINGS!
GRRRR. BECK SMASH. I've got my period, ok! And I am eating nothing but potato chips and chocolate for the next week. DON'T FUCK WITH ME.
RELATED - do you think it's worth having a discussion about race in GK fandom circles? It's a pretty culturally sensitive subject, and I think it's something that we tend to gloss over in our fics. Which, fair enough, we're focusing on the pretty, pretty Marines, BUT. We're writing stories set against the backdrop of, you know, an INVASION of a whole other COUNTRY. I'd like to at least acknowledge that that could be PROBLEMATIC if not done with sensitivity. ??? I am not good at articulating myself, though, so I'm willing to pass the torch to someone who IS. Also, I'm Australian, and we have a whole different set of racial issues which make me maybe not so qualified to talk about AMERICAN racial issues. Although, seriously, racial issues are pretty UNIVERSAL, so idk.
Think about it! Let me know.
In other news, I'm thinking about getting some more mods for
we_pimpin . Clearly I have been MIA for a bit (sorry! I am so trying to be back, I swear) and it isn't fair to make my sole co-mod
timeofnoreply pick up all the slack. I'll want someone who's wlling to help with weekly posts, fic round-ups, challenges and all that stuff, so hopefully someone who either doesn't have much of a life OR someone who has a better life/fun balance than I currently do. I'll probably put a post up on
we_pimpin when I get back from the hairdresser this afternoon.
Which, speaking of, I have to scoot. Pics when I'm done, I promise.