I'm using this icon because I'm such a damn camwhore. SORRY.

Apr 24, 2010 23:24

My fucking football team just lost and I'm in a bad mood. I know that's pathetic, but we had won 26 out of our last 29 games and I had KIND of forgotten what losing felt like. For the record? It feels SHITTY.

I am distracting myself with pictures, so have a Beckspam! Not as exciting as a PJspam, granted, but I'm working with what I've got, here.

I was so impressed with my lipstick today at work that I decided to take a picture. Look at how perfect! That never happens. Also of note - I have managed to match my lipstick, my headband AND my watch. That takes class and skill, people. Class and skill.

Yeeeeeeah, that's a classy dame, right there. The sarcasm, it burns. But you'll notice that my eyebrows are looking pretty great. Stupid waxing is worth it after all.

Welcome to my world. My desk at work is too small/cluttered to do any paperwork on, so this is how I get all my office stuff and filing done.

And how does Beck feel about having to work on the floor?


It is not hard to tell which is my locker. Except the fucking bastards lost tonight, so BOOOOO (sob)

My days are filled with Coke Zero. And, apparently, chilli sauce.

Heheheheh. You know, Nate and Evan can start paying me back whenever they're ready, really. Organising a hookup with PJ would be a good place to begin.

Ok, these next few are of The Story Notebook.

I carry this thing with me EVERYWHERE and it is full of scribbled bits and pieces of Gen Kill fic. I get very impatient when I'm writing long-hand, and I try to write very quickly, so not only is my handwriting BAD, the scenes almost always need to be augmented when I type them up. But I'd go crazy without somewhere to scribble when I need to.

Some of you might remember this? From humble beginings, porn is grown. I can't remember how much that scene changed, but I'm pretty sure it was elaborated on.

There you are, for those of you who can be bothered deciphering my handwriting, that's a sneak peak at the first part of my Brad/Ray epic (ELEVEN THOUSAND WORDS AND COUNTING!) This may bear very little relation to the finished product.

Hee. I wrote something today that made me so happy that I had to draw little hearts all over the page.


You know, I was thinking of giving this notebook away when it's full - it's got snippets from most scenes of the Brad/Ray; the plan, character notes and start of my aborted Gen Kill/Firefly crossover; the first and last scenes from Use Your Hands; and a couple 'Brad/Ray as girls' bits. Why anyone would want it I don't know, but I like the idea of passing it on. Hmm.

And before I get down to some heavy duty procrastinating writing, have a link to the latest drabble post at we_pimpin , (courtesy of timeofnoreply ) where you will find something that oh_mcgee  wrote that completely fucking BROKE my HEART, as well as something by sharksdontsleep that made it swell with glee. Ahh, we_pimpin . Good for what ails ya.


Also, while I'm being such a damn pimp queen (thanks, Rudy), run, don't walk, to sgrio 's multifandom comment!fic extravaganza! Do it. DO IT. (I have posted a wee snippet of that never-finished Firefly AU, if that floats anyone's spaceship)


So I created a Ray community to be centered on Ray and encourage fics and drabbles about Ray. And I just replied to the drabble post, in the Ray community.

...with Brad/Walt.

Let's blame this on me being way, waaaay over-tired. It was GOING to be Walt/Ray, ok! And then I forgot where I was (MY OWN RAY COMMUNITY) and thought "Oooh, you know what's great? Brad/Walt."


I'm fixing it, I'm fixing it.

(I am so dumb)

camwhore, fic, picspam, work

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