I started a Brad/Ray story, but I have no idea where I'm going with it. I have no plot. I don't know what happens. All I know is that Brad falls in love with Ray and it starts with him being emo. *headdesk* Please don't tell me that my muse flitted down long enough to get two Gen Kill fics out of me then flitted away again! PLEASE. I need you all
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I'm not sure what I can say about the rest of your entry (I am so sleeeepy... probably because it is like 2.30, sigh) except the multiple identities thing makes you sound like a SECRET NINJA type person (you even work at a bookshop! and wear pink! all the best secret ninjas do) and that is extremely cool. :D
Actually, no, I do know what you mean there though. Like, my teenage years were SO different from yours, but the thing where you are a completely different person from the one you used to be, except for how you are also still the same... yeah I have that too. :) Most of the time it is pretty cool (and maybe it's why I love moving around so much, it's like I can become a slightly different person in every place I go to) but every now and then I get that, "aaaah wait who IS this? is this me? was THAT me?" and it is kind of weird and disorientating.
...I really don't know where I'm going with that. Never mind. I THINK IT IS TIME TO CLOSE THE LAPTOP AND GO TO BED.
Brad and Ray in a student/teacher dynamic? Holy GOD that would be SO HOT and I demand that someone writes it RIGHT NOW. (I think that someone should be YOU, FYI). And Brad and Ray and ZOMBIES, YES. Wait, no! Zombies can wait for the next fic. In this one, Brad has just gotten home from Iraq and he realises he can't function very well without Ray beside him anymore. I think the one about him feeling like his masculinity is threatened probably fits the most. If I mix that with the other suggestions I've got, I might be onto something. Yes!
No. I think we all go through that point where we realise how much we've changed and you have to wonder - am I the same person? How do I relate to the me of 5/10 years ago? Who am I now? It's all very existential and I agree with you that it's probably better to just close the metaphorical laptop and go to bed.
*hugs for you* I'm glad I have you on my flist, btw, I don't think I've mentioned that, yet. :)
I don't think I've met another Tanith fan before either, unless my mum counts (she steals all my good fantasy/YA) which, uh... not really. AWESOME! Have you read the Tales of the Flat Earth series? The first books of hers I read were the Claidi books, back when I was about twelve or thirteen, and they were pretty awesome YA, and then a couple years later I stumbled across a couple of the Flat Earth books in a second-hand bookshop and it was like, oh my GOD, my mind has been BLOWN.
About that Brad/Ray scenario... *coughs*. It is POSSIBLE I have written about 750 words of pre-series Brad picking up Ray in a bar for a one-night stand, EXCEPT THEN it turns out that Ray is one of his new students and Brad has to see him all the time and Ray just won't leave him alone! And, you know, it's really obvious that Brad ~likes~ Ray and finds him hilarious and stuff, he's just got a stick up his ass about monogomy and relationships. And he and Ray bond and get closer and there is occasional scorching sex and eventually Brad gives in! ...Except I've been stalled out for, like, EIGHT MONTHS and Brad hasn't even MET Ray yet, ugh. So it may not ever actually happen. D: Uh, sorry to torment you?
On the subject of Brad and Ray and zombies... have you seen this? Best pic ever or BEST PIC EVER???
But Brad not being able to function without his tiny boyfriend!! THAT IS AMAZING, YESSSSS. And drunk-dialing and RAY being the one to stress out... omg I cannot WAIT! :D
*hugs back* You are also PRETTY AWESOME! :D Idk, I get really weird about friending fannish people - I never really talk about anything besides boring RL blather about uni and cooking (too many RL friends on my flist, though they do all know about fandom), and it feels like this isn't really a fandom journal or anything so I shouldn't even bother. Yeah, it's dumb, idk. THANKS FOR FRIENDING ME FIRST SO I COULD GET OVER IT!
That preseries Brad/Ray would pretty much make all my dreams come true. I'm hoping to start a Brad/Ray revolution in this fandom, but so far it's like...four people. Considering there's about 16 peeps max in Gen Kill, though, it's a good start, heh. But no, seriously, it sounds amazing amd sexy and the only thing that could possibly be hotter than Ray would be young, cocky, sleeping-with-Brad-Ray. UNF. Ugh, tell me what I gotta do, bb, and it will be done. You need a cheerleader? PASS ME THE POM-POMS!
AND I am actually REALLY REALLY shy about adding people! I almost NEVER do it unless I've been added first. I hate to come off as pushy! And I'm like you, I'm like 'But what if they don't find me INTERESTING!??' and I get all tosky (which means 'neurotic' by the way) about it. But sometimes I work up the sac, and you're the result. Hahaha, HI!
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