Who's house? BECK'S HOUSE!

Nov 21, 2008 13:23

They said it couldn't be done, but they were WRONG. OOOOH, YEAH. The sea-serpent in the King Arthur's Tomb level of Tomb Raider: Legend was (after two solid days of trying) NO match for Queenie B. Galore. Booyah, bitches. After whupping his slimy arse I finished the rest of the game in, like, two hours. (After having it for like three years, whatever, I was distracted by Anniversary)

So the reason I'm at home beating Tomb Raider instead of at work beating stupid customers is because - SURPRISE! I was in hospital AGAIN. Because I collapsed. Again. Because I was sick - again, and was off my food - again, and decided to go to work anyway, where I fainted in the back office. Where I lay for maybe 15 or 20 minutes before anyone found me. And once Helen DID find me, she called Trav and security and an ambulance in that order, and I was - humilliatingly - strapped to a stretcher and wheeled out of my shop in front of about a bajillion customers. Spent the day in emergency, where incompetant nurses took three tries to get my drip in (Ok, look, God. If you were going to ensure that I end up in hospital at least once a year, in need of a canula, WHY did you also ensure that I have the type of "small, deep, wiggly" veins that nurses find impossible to stab with needles? NOT FAIR), and, ok, that shit HURTS. They'd spend ten minutes tapping up and down my arm then be like "Oooh, I think I found one, hang on - *STABBITY STAB* oops! Lost it! Let me just dig around in here for a bit and see if I can get it!" So I've got three puncture wounds when I only needed one. THANKS. And one nurse was like "Oh, you've got lots of tattoos, you shouldn't mind needles!" >:|  >:|  >:|


I'm ok. I had a virus, which made me headachy, sick to my stomach and faint, then I didn't eat for a couple days, then I tried to do too much at work, then whammo. I had some anti-nausia meds and two saline bags pumped into me (once they got the drip happening), and Trav ate the gross bread and soup they gave me when the nurse wasn't around and I said it was me (ok, it was making me feel sick but I wanted to go HOOOOME) and they let me go after about 7 hours. I have a bump on the head where I think a cookbook fell on me (I knocked down a who stack of them when I passed out) which is aching like a mother, and I'm still not eating much, although I'm trying, but I'm on the mend. Just another day in the life of Beck the Wreck.

For the rest of the day I'm going to try to get past the bit of Tomb Raider: Anniversary I've been stuck on for about a year, 'cause I need to finish it before Tomb Raider: Underworld comes out in December (Which, ok, I'm pissed off. I've been playing Playstation for about 10 years - 11 years, actually, because I started when the 1st TR came out - and I have a PS2, which Underworld isn't even being released on! Damnit, I can't AFFORD a PS3, and yes, Trav's brother has an XBox, but if I don't LIKE the XBox. The controls worry me. POO POO POO.) (I know I'll end up getting it on XBox. I haven't missed a TR game in 10 years, I'm not about to start now. Still: POO). Also I'll be waiting for the new SPN - I haven't been online much lately (understatement) so I haven't been raving about how much I love this season but - I DO. Consider that a  rave. I don't have enough energy to do it properly. Too much yelling at Lara Croft.

I hate being sick all the time, I hate working all the time, I hate never seeing my friends anymore, I hate a whole bunch of things, but at least I'll always have Lara.


Oh, PS - I saw an advanced screening of the new Bond on Monday and Daniel Craig? HOT. AS. FUCK. That is all.

hospital, tomb raider

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